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Vad är QT9 QMS?

Fristående och företagsbaserad allt i ett-programvara för kvalitetshantering enligt ISO 9001, AS9100, SQF, ISO 17025, ISO 13485 och FDA. Webbaserad lösning som kan köpas och installeras på din server eller hysas av deras tjänst. Hantera hela QMS med hjälp av dokumentkontroll, korrigerande åtgärder, defekta produkter, utbildning, ECR/ECN, inspektioner, revisionshantering, PM, kundklagomål, leverantörskvalitet, kalibrering och mer i en användarvänlig applikation med 21 CFR part 11-efterlevnad för elektroniska signaturer.

Vem använder QT9 QMS?

Alla organisationer som följer regelefterlevnad (t.ex. efterlevnad av ISO 9001, ISO 13485, AS9100, FDA osv.) eller alla organisationer som vill göra sitt kvalitetssystem pappersfritt i ett användarvänligt gränssnitt.

Var kan QT9 QMS användas?

På plats

Om leverantören

  • QT9 Software
  • Belägen i Aurora, USA
  • Grundades 2005

Support för QT9 QMS

  • Telefonsupport
  • Chatt

Tillgängliga länder

Albanien, Andorra, Australien, Belarus, Belgien och 44 andra



Prissättning av QT9 QMS


1 700,00 US$/år
  • Erbjuder en gratis provperiod
  • Ingen gratisversion

QT9 QMS har ingen gratisversion men erbjuder en gratis testversion. QT9 QMSbetald version börjar på 1 700,00 US$/år.

Prisplaner få en gratis provperiod

Om leverantören

  • QT9 Software
  • Belägen i Aurora, USA
  • Grundades 2005

Support för QT9 QMS

  • Telefonsupport
  • Chatt

Tillgängliga länder

Albanien, Andorra, Australien, Belarus, Belgien och 44 andra



QT9 QMS videor och bilder

QT9 QMS Programvara- 1
QT9 QMS Programvara- 2
QT9 QMS Programvara- 3
QT9 QMS Programvara- 4
QT9 QMS Programvara- 5
Visa 6 till
QT9 QMS-video
QT9 QMS Programvara- 1
QT9 QMS Programvara- 2
QT9 QMS Programvara- 3
QT9 QMS Programvara- 4
QT9 QMS Programvara- 5

Funktioner i QT9 QMS

  • Aktivitetspanel
  • Anpassningsbara mallar
  • Arbetsflödeshantering
  • Arbetsorderhantering
  • Arkivering och lagring
  • Asynkron inlärning
  • Bedömningsledning
  • Bildtagning
  • Blandad inlärning
  • Budgethantering
  • Certifiering och licensiering
  • Certifikat / Etikettutskrift
  • Dokumenthantering
  • Dokumenthämtning
  • Dokumentklassificering
  • Dokumentlagring
  • Efterlevnadskontroll
  • Elektronisk underskrift
  • Ersättningshantering
  • Fakturering
  • Feedback-hantering
  • Fildelning
  • Filkonvertering
  • Finanshantering
  • Flera platser
  • Formulärhantering
  • Fulltextsökning
  • Förebyggande underhåll
  • Försäljarstyrelse
  • Förutsägbart underhåll
  • Gantt / Tidslinjevy
  • Garantispårning
  • Grundorsaksanalys
  • Hantering av leveranskedja
  • Hantering av underuppgifter
  • IT-riskhantering
  • In-/utcheckning av dokument
  • Inbyggd kursförfattare
  • Incidentshantering
  • Incidentsrapportering
  • Inköpsorderhantering
  • Inlärningsportal
  • Inspektionshantering
  • Instrumentbräda
  • Instrumenthantering
  • Integreringar med tredjepart
  • Interaktionsspårning
  • Intern kontrollhantering
  • Jobbhantering
  • Kalenderhantering
  • Kalibreringshantering
  • Kalibreringsplanering
  • Klagomålshantering
  • Kodhantering
  • Kodning och kontroll av dokument
  • Kommentarer / Anteckningar
  • Korrigerande och förebyggande åtgärder (CAPA)
  • Kunddatabas
  • Kvalitetskontroll
  • Lagerhantering
  • Lagerstyrning
  • Leveranshantering
  • Leverantörshantering
  • Lärningsspår
  • Mobil inlärning
  • Mobilåtkomst
  • OSHA-registrering
  • Policyhantering
  • Portföljhantering
  • Prioritering
  • Problemhantering
  • Problemspårning
  • Projektplanering / schemaläggning
  • Projektspårning
  • Påminnelser
  • Rapportering / projektspårning
  • Rapportering och analys
  • Rapportering och statistik
  • Realtidsdata
  • Resurshantering
  • Revisionshantering
  • Revisionshistorik
  • Revisionsplanering
  • Riskanalys
  • Riskbedömning
  • Riskhantering
  • Riskpoäng
  • Samarbetsverktyg
  • Schemaläggning
  • Schemaläggning av produktion
  • Schemaläggning av underhåll
  • Servicehistorik
  • Spåra milstolpar
  • Spårning av avvikelser
  • Spårning av efterlevnad
  • Svarshantering
  • Synkron inlärning
  • Sök / filtrera
  • Teknikledning
  • Tester / bedömningar
  • Tid och kostnadsspårning
  • Tidsspårning
  • Underhållsstyrning
  • Uppdragshantering
  • Uppgiftshantering
  • Uppgiftsredigering
  • Utbildningshantering
  • Utrustningshantering
  • Utrustningsspårning
  • Varningar / Meddelanden
  • Varningar/eskalering
  • Verifieringskedja
  • Version återställning
  • Versionjämförelse
  • Versionskontroll
  • Ändringshantering
  • Åtkomstkontroller / behörigheter
  • Övervakning

QT9 QMS Hitta alternativ 2021 - Capterra Sverige

Intellect är en QMS-programvara byggd på en efterlevnadsplattform utan kod, som är enkel att använda, snabb att sätta i drift och mycket flexibel. Lär dig mer om Intellect QMS
Denna programvara levererar ett helt papperslöst och kravuppfyllande produktionsregister, vilket minskar tiden för dokumentskapande, granskning och godkännande.
Integrerad programvara för QHSE-hanteringssystem, molnbaserad, hjälper SMB att hantera efterlevnadsaktiviteter i en enda lättanvänd lösning.
QMS för medicinteknisk utrustning, läkemedel och bioteknik. Fullständig överensstämmelse mellan FDA/ISO/GxP. Fem gånger snabbare dokumentkontroll, utbildning, CAPA, rapporter om efterlevnadsbrister (non-compliance reports, NCR), revisioner och med mer. Lär dig mer om Qualio
Programvara för kvalitetshantering; inkluderar elektronisk dokumentkontroll, utbildningskontroll, korrigerande åtgärder, revision, leverantörshantering med mera
Q-Pulse erbjuder ett riskbaserat tillvägagångssätt för kvalitetsstyrning och dokumenthantering, vilket kan hjälpa en att följa standarder och förordningar.
Den mest betrodda EHSQ-programvaran som säkerställt kundframgång i över 30 år.
Wrike är en projekthanteringsprogramvara för företag med mallar, tidsuppföljning, Gantt-diagram, Kanban-tavlor, rapporter med mera.
monday.com är ett molnbaserat arbetsoperativsystem där team sköter sina projekt och sitt dagliga arbete, oavsett om de är på kontoret, hemma eller på språng. Lär dig mer om monday.com

Recensioner av QT9 QMS


Enkel användning
Valuta för pengarna

Recensioner efter företagsstorlek (antal anställda)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1 000
  • >1 001

Hitta recensioner efter betyg

QA Document Speacialist i USA
Verifierad LinkedIn-användare
Mattillverkning, 201‒500 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Highly customizable and efficient eQMS

5,0 i fjol

Kommentarer: QT9 is a very solid and dense software that can be tailored to the needs of any business. User access and admin controls are very deep and easy to use. The module and workflows are plentiful, and while they can be intimidating to implement, once you dig in a really understand what the software features can do, the reward is high as the software is able to create and track so much.


The ability to creature user defined fields that could be tailored specifically to the record of document that was being created in the system was extremely useful when transitioning from established Quality processes from our previous paper-based QMS to this electronic software.


Implementation was a bit of a challenge. While we did have support from the developer and implementation team, the training seminars available were not nearly as helpful as simply diving into the sandbox environment and see what the system could actually do.

Svar för QT9 Software

i fjol

Dexter - Thank you for the 5-Star review! We are happy to hear you have been able to tailor the platform to meet your needs. I will pass the feedback onto our team on the training seminars.

Quality Process Manager i USA
Järnvägstillverkning, 201‒500 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

QT9 Quality Management System

5,0 för 3 år sedan

Kommentarer: Before using QT9 data gathering and analysis was difficult at best. Now we have the ability to analyze data in order to make real changes to the quality of our processes and products.


Easy to set up and use, yet very powerful reporting capabilities. As the administrator I can add users, structure drop down menus, etc. myself and don't have to rely on outside sources.


Nothing currently comes to mind, but this is because QT9 asks their customers to submit feature requests for improvement ideas.

Svar för QT9 Software

för 3 år sedan

Terri - Thank you very much for the 5-star review! It is great to hear you like our simple pricing model with all the modules included. We appreciate you taking the time to share your positive experience.

Dir of Compliance i USA
Flyg och rymd, 201‒500 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

Limited Flexability

3,0 för 5 år sedan

Kommentarer: To be honest we do not use all the modules within QT9 but the ones we do use allow us to get by and pass our QMS audits, but for the power user like myself that wants to extract detailed performance data you’ll have to extract the data and pull it into excel and manipulate it to get metrics you need.
What you see is what you get, no customizing nothing. No overdue notifications or escalation process built in.


Ease of rolling out the product. Built in forms are helpful for a beginner. There are some features if you dig into the settings that allow you minor custom uses. The Calibration and Prevenative Maintenance Modules are promising and somewhat helpful. The document control module has worked well for us.


1. the biggest disappointment - No customability of modules and forms. Lots of tabs on the nonconforming product and corrective action forms and you cannot get rid of the tabs you do not need, You cannot even hide the tabs. Absolutely no customization to tailor to your organization. 2. No email reminders if you have overdue actions pending, you’ll have to look at the database daily. 3. No filtering of overdue items in perato analysis. You can filter: Open Items, Closed, Rejected, Submitted and deleted but nothing to tell you if an item is past due. No email notifications if an item goes past due. You can only disply the entire reports that are overdue. 4. Ad Hoc Reports are Lackluster for reporting performance data analysis (Perato Analysis, Bar Graphs, Line Graphs etc) Nothing here to help you determine how effective or ineffective your QMS is. 5. If you have more than one process approver (Risk, CA’s, NC’s etc) and one of them approves the action the other approvers cannot go back and make changes. Your locked out. I had myself and one other person approving a risk and the other approver approved the risk and I could not make any changes. I had to delete the entire risk action and start over. 6. Only exports to CSV files not Excel .xlsx extensions 7. Internal audit module - build a schedule only. No prefilled forms to use, no form development capabilities.

Svar för QT9 Software

för 4 år sedan

Hi Nacaro As soon as we saw the review, we had our team personally reach out to you. 1. Customizability: Unlimited custom fields are quick and easy to setup. Tabs cannot be hidden it is like an economy car vs a luxury car. The features are included. 2. Emails: QT9 automatically sends email reminders and overdue notifications to the responsible parties and/or administrators. 3. Filtering: Each individual user can customize their dashboard grids for each module to filter and display the content you want to see. It sounds like you have the "Status" column hidden. 4. Ad Hoc Reports: We include customizable filters for all canned reports and a customer report generator to create any report you could need for measurement. 5. Approvers: Simply change your settings to require 2 or more approvers. 6. Exports: We export to a universal CSV that can be easily be opened in Excel & other programs. 7. Audit Module: During implementation you build an electronic form and you attach related files.

Chief Engineer i USA
Maskin- eller industriteknik, 51‒200 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Chief Engineer

5,0 för 3 månader sedan

Kommentarer: very good overall. easy to implement. good customer support


document management, engineering change process, corrective actions, ability to export information to excel, user defined fields


canned reports - they should look at other standards like the American Society for Mechanical Engineers or National Board which require quality management systems and integrate those requirements

Svar för QT9 Software

för 2 månader sedan

Melissa - Thank you for the 5-Star review! We are happy to hear that you are using a handful of the modules in QT9 QMS. Please reach out us if we can help with anything.

Quality Engineer i USA
Medicinska apparater, 51‒200 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

QT9 QMS- Review

5,0 för 3 månader sedan


Everything you need for your QMS all in one package. Easy to use. Awesome customer service and support.


There is nothing I do not like about QT9.

Svar för QT9 Software

för 3 månader sedan

Nick - Thank you for the 5-Star review! We are happy to hear you like everything in one package along with QT9's customer service and support. Thanks again!

Production manager i USA
Flygbolag/flyg, 51‒200 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

QT9 review

4,0 för 3 månader sedan

Kommentarer: Ok, once I figured out how it all works


Organization of all my docs, in one place


The learning phase, I didn’t have the time to play around with it before I had to use it. That’s more of a training issue here.

Svar för QT9 Software

för 3 månader sedan

Kenneth - Thank you for reviewing QT9 QMS. We are very sorry to hear you have not had a positive experience. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer support and training teams. They are available to help make the learning phase easier. Feel free to schedule a 1:1 meeting with them. We want to make it easy for you and your team to use QT9 QMS.

Quality Assurance i USA
Flygbolag/flyg, 201‒500 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

All-in-one QMS!

5,0 för 3 månader sedan

Kommentarer: Overall experience is quite positive. Much of the information I need in in one place.


I like the all-in-one functionality of QT9.


Like all programs there is a learning curve if you want to make the best use of the capabilities. But even with that, there is ample customer support and training available.

Svar för QT9 Software

för 3 månader sedan

Oran - Thank you for the 5-Star review of QT9 QMS. It is great to hear you like the functionality and have had a positive experience. We appreciate you taking the time to share your positive experience.

Quality Assurance i USA
Maskin- eller industriteknik, 201‒500 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

QA/Certifying Agency Specialist

5,0 för 3 månader sedan

Kommentarer: The system is great. Runs a little slow sometimes, but in all it is great


Storage and reminders of documents has been beneficial.


A little more flexibility with creating own fields would be great.

Svar för QT9 Software

för 2 månader sedan

Jesse - Thank you for the 5-Star review of QT9 QMS! We appreciate you taking the time to share your positive experience.

VP of Supply Chain i USA
Hälsa, välbefinnande och fitness, 201‒500 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Excellent QMS

5,0 för 3 månader sedan


QT9 as a QMS has helped to digitize many processes that would otherwise have been handled through paper documentation. This gives greater control and traceability and is especially helpful during regulatory Audits allowing us to show that we have processes in control.


The inability to communicate with other data systems.

Svar för QT9 Software

för 2 månader sedan

Devin - Thank you for the 5-Star review of QT9 QMS! We appreciate you taking the time to share your positive experience.

Training Coordinator i USA
Flygbolag/flyg, 51‒200 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

One stop shop!

5,0 för 3 månader sedan

Kommentarer: It is a one stop shop for managing a tracking audits and training.


Ease of implementation. Customer support and available training.


Timeouts. It does not autosave progression lengthy audit tasks.

Svar för QT9 Software

för 3 månader sedan

Glorian - Thank you for the 5-Star review of QT9 QMS! We are happy to hear that implementation was easy, and you have had a positive experience with our customer support and training teams. Please reach out to us if there is anything we can do. Thanks again.

Quality Manager i USA
Maskin- eller industriteknik, 11‒50 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

QT9 Helped Structural Diagnostics, Inc. get ISO 9001:2015 Certified!

5,0 för 4 år sedan

Kommentarer: Our company had no Quality Management System at all before QT9. Some of the employees were relucted to try something new, but all got on board when they saw how easy it was to use. All through the entire ISO 9001:2015 process from the very beginning to certification all the Auditors really thought it was a well designed package geared towards the ISO 9001:2015 process.


The Document Control module was the most used and was very easy to implement and maintain.


That you could not upload video files, that the file size was limited. But this was not really an issue.

Svar för QT9 Software

för 3 år sedan

Ken - Thank you for the positive review! it is great hearing from happy customers. We appreciate you taking the time to share your experience.

Scientist i USA
Bioteknologi, 51‒200 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

Decent System but Could Use More Functionality

4,0 i fjol


Upload speed and ease of logging in has been relatively convenient.


The date shown by the document is the upload date to the system, which does not provide much benefit.

Svar för QT9 Software

för 12 månader sedan

Paul - Thank you for the review. Could you please let us know what kind of functionality you would like to see added? Every document in the system includes timeline traceability of every change. You can view the history under "Review Details". Please reach out to our team for more information. Thanks.

React Developer i Bulgarien
Datormjukvara, Egenföretagare
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Work smarter with QT9 QMS

5,0 för 2 år sedan

Kommentarer: I am pleased with the product and I use it in my work.


There is an option to customize the system to your unique needs and it can accommodate organizations of all sizes. It is also super user-friendly.


The initial setup might be a bit daunting.

Svar för QT9 Software

för 2 år sedan

Kristian - Thank you for the 5-Star review! We appreciate you sharing your experience with our team.

Quality Systems Manager i USA
Medicinska apparater, 51‒200 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

QT9 pleasantly surprised with ease of this ERP system

5,0 för 4 år sedan

Kommentarer: Overall I have to say the training module is by far my favorite. Going from paper in a folder and getting everyone trained and signed off and then having to scan training to files was very time consuming. Now with a few clicks of the mouse training is sent to those who need it with the documents attached, they sign electronically and training records are created in the system. Fast and easy.


This software is very user friendly and easy to use. The help feature and QT9 academy are very easy to follow instructions for anything you are working on in the system. It is very easy to use the , modules and being able to be paperless is awesome especially in the medical device area. Set up for users is extremely fast an simple. Getting reports is fast and accurate.


Honestly I find all the pop ups every time you do a function a bit overkill, especially if you are doing a lot of entering of new documents. It would be nice if they could shut off this feature. I do wish there was an automatic email alert that when to users a email when they are overdue on training, or a CAR element.

Svar för QT9 Software

för 4 år sedan

Denise - Thank you for the awesome review! It is awesome to hear from happy QT9 customers. We look forward to working with you and your team more in the future.

Quality Assurance Manager i USA
Försvar och rymd, 51‒200 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Positive Feedback

5,0 för 3 år sedan

Kommentarer: We have been using QT9 for 8 years. It is a great tool for Quality. It is organized, professional and easy to use. QT9 helps tremendously with 3rd party audits. Audits go much faster and smoother with rapid record retrieval.


QT9 is a force multiplier. It alleviates a huge administrative burden on our quality system.


permission control could be improved to allow view only of all quality records.

Svar för QT9 Software

för 3 år sedan

Jason - Thank you for the 5-Star review! We are happy to hear about your positive experience for over 8 years. That is awesome! Keep us posted if there is ever anything else we can help with. Thank you!

QMS Engineer i USA
Telekommunikation, 501‒1 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

Great tool for an effective QMS

5,0 för 2 år sedan

Kommentarer: Overall a great experience. QT9 provides great customer services and easy to use modules.


Very user friendly. Several modules link together to make work flow seamless. Customer support is great and always available to help. Most modules have some level of customizable options to fit the needs of various companies and industries. Easy implementation.


There are a few minor nuances with some modules. However, these can very easily be worked with and do not impact the overall ease of use. Some modules over more degrees of customization than others.

Svar för QT9 Software

för 2 år sedan

Caylin - Thank you for the 5-star review! It is always great to hear from happy customers. We are happy to hear you find QT9 QMS to be user-friendly. Please reach out to us if there is anything we can do. Thanks again.

Compliance Manager i USA
Mattillverkning, 11‒50 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Complete & Easy to Use QMS System - Great Customer Care

5,0 för 2 år sedan

Kommentarer: I have been involved in choosing, implementing and using other Quality Management Systems and this has been by far the best experience.


This system has made documentation management of training records to rev controlled SOP's a breeze. The Supplier portal is a great feature. They provide solid training and are very responsive when you have questions.


It would be nice if it had additional features that apply to Food Manufacturing. It could use an upgraded look and easily customizable reports.

Svar för QT9 Software

för 2 år sedan

Mary - Thank you for the 5-Star review! We are happy to hear about your positive experience with the QT9 Customer Care team. Please reach out us if we can help with anything.

Quality Control Engineer i USA
Maskin- eller industriteknik, 201‒500 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Great management tool

5,0 för 4 år sedan


We love the document portal and it's ability to share and collaborate on documents. It has kept our records organized and has brought a level of consistency that was hard to achieve with more manual processes. We also love the support!


Integrating some aspects of our business into QT9 has been difficult only because our systems were not consistent. There are some features that might just not fit entirely and we sometimes wish there were a few more custom options. But it is also easy to understand why it requires a standard.

Övervägda alternativ: Mango

Anledningar att byta till QT9 QMS: Price and options

Svar för QT9 Software

för 4 år sedan

Hi Danielle - Thank you very much for the positive review! We are happy to hear you have had a good experience with QT9. Please feel free to reach out to our training team if you need help with any other integrations. We are happy to help!

Maskineri, 1 001‒5 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa
Källa: SoftwareAdvice

Fair Quality Management System

4,0 för 3 år sedan

Kommentarer: 5-6 years experience


One software for multiple uses such as corrective actions, maintenance, calibration, etc.


Poor access to your own data, such as the ability not to remove records that you own. This junks up the system, such as calibrations with trash records.

Svar för QT9 Software

för 3 år sedan

Hi Peter - We are sorry to hear that you have not had a good experience with the QT9 QMS. Could you please call us @ 630-892-5022 at your earliest convenience? We would like to better understand your short-term and long-term goals along with your "trash records". Traceability requirements for FDA and ISO compliance prevent you from simply "removing" records, but you do have other options. Perhaps a sandbox site would help you? Lets discuss! Thanks.

Qualithy Specialist i USA
Flyg och rymd, 11‒50 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

QT9 QMS Software

5,0 för 3 år sedan

Kommentarer: The software is good and the staff is more than happy to help if you have a problem.


I like the ease in which you can control the documents. The software manages the old versions and changes of the documents on the revision changes which makes life much easier for the document control aspect of our QMS.


Some of the modules I cannot modify in a way that would be useful for my organization.

Svar för QT9 Software

för 3 år sedan

Tim - Thank you for the positive review! We are happy to hear our staff is more than happy to help.

Manufacturing/Validation Engineer I i USA
Medicinska apparater, 11‒50 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

A World of Difference

5,0 för 4 år sedan


Implementation of the Document Control Module was a game-changer for our organization as we were still operating under a paper-based system. Document creation and changes are so much more efficient now that we are utilizing QT9 QMS.


Not really applicable. Concerns I have had with the system I know are being addressed with the next revision of the software because the QT9 Software team is receptive to its customers' concerns.

Svar för QT9 Software

för 4 år sedan

Clayton - Thank you for the positive review! That is great to hear the document control module is helping your team out. We are always looking at new ways to improve the system too.

Quality Systems Manager i USA
Medicinska apparater, 11‒50 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

Easy to use and configure

5,0 för 4 år sedan

Kommentarer: Our experience so far has been very positive.


The workflow is easy to understand and it is nice that most of the modules are interconnected.


The collaboration feature was a little difficult to implement for our organization as we didn't find that it was very intuitive.

Svar för QT9 Software

för 4 år sedan

Erica: Thank you very much for the positive review! We are happy to hear that you find the workflow easy to understand and like the interconnected modules. If you have any suggestions on the Collaboration feature, please submit a support request. You can always schedule training with our team on any feature or module too. We appreciate you as a customer. Thanks again!

Quality Specialist i USA
Flyg och rymd, 51‒200 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa


5,0 för 4 år sedan


The software is very user friendly and easy to navigate. QT9 provides so many modules and can capture data/info from different departments in one location.


It would be beneficial to drop and add files versus the current process for adding files.

Svar för QT9 Software

för 3 år sedan

Key - Thank you for the 5-Star review and likelihood to recommend! We appreciate you sharing your positive experience.

Quality Engineer i USA
Tryck, 201‒500 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1-5 månader
Recensentens källa

Great value out of the box

5,0 för 3 år sedan

Kommentarer: So far very positive


ease of use, deploy and set up from the beginnning


I will need to work with it more before I could answer this

Svar för QT9 Software

för 3 år sedan

James - Thank you for the positive review! Our team is here to help if you have any questions whatsoever.

Quality Compliance Analyst i USA
Informationsteknologi och tjänster
Har använt programvaran för: 1-5 månader
Recensentens källa
Källa: SoftwareAdvice

QT9 Implementation and Population

4,0 för 9 år sedan


For CARs, the information is all in one convenient location. The Employee Training location allows us to attach documents (we keep Curriculum Vitae in the Related Files section). This allows for a one-stop-shop when audited on employee training and experience. Vendor has been incredibly interactive and helpful when we have had questions/concerns. Also provided requested on-site training that met our expectations and timeline.


Unable to perform 'text' searches. For example, performing a search within the Master File attachments for a term or other document number is not available. In addition, I create training records for new hires; the content and attributes are always the same. It would be helpful if I could copy an existing record. As part of the Quality organization, I notice grammatical errors. QT9 has several messages that contain mis-spellings.

Svar för QT9 Software

för 5 år sedan

Rachel - Thank you for your review of the QT9 QMS. We are glad to hear that the QT9 QMS has helped you centralize parts of MedNet's operations! We have added lots of filter options for searching through documents and have added the ability to attach related files and interconnect modules together. We have also added the ability to setup training profiles for recurring training records to ease training. We are constantly adding new features to the software, so if you see a spelling error please let us know, so we fix it right away. Thanks again!