I 18 år har vi hjälpt företag
välja bättre programvara

Vad är Fiix?

Fiix är ett Rockwell Automation-företag och det enklaste sättet för att planera, spåra och optimera underhåll. Fiixs molnbaserade och AI-drivna programvara för underhållshantering hjälper dig att organisera resurser och lager, leda arbetet, ansluta affärssystem och fatta datadrivna beslut. Programvaran erbjuder en 360-graders vy över arbete, reservdelar, kostnader, scheman och nyckeltal så att du kan hålla dina resurser fungerande och öka drifttiden. Skrivbords- och mobilapparna hjälper dig att schemalägga, prioritera och slutföra uppgifter, även när du är offline.

Vem använder Fiix?

Fiixs CMMS-programvara är det enklaste sättet för att planera, spåra och optimera underhållet inom tillverkning (diskret och process), olja och gas, allmännyttiga företag, bygg, lagerhållning, distribution med mera.

Var kan Fiix användas?

På plats

Om leverantören

  • Rockwell Automation
  • Belägen i Milwaukee, USA
  • Grundades 1903

Support för Fiix

  • Telefonsupport
  • Chatt

Tillgängliga länder

Albanien, Algeriet, Amerikanska Jungfruöarna, Amerikanska Samoa, Andorra och 214 andra


danska, engelska, franska, polska, portugisiska och 3 andra

Prissättning av Fiix


45,00 US$/månad
  • Erbjuder en gratis provperiod
  • Erbjuder en gratisversion

Fiix har en gratisversion och erbjuder en gratis testversion. Fiixbetald version börjar på 45,00 US$/månad.

Prisplaner få en gratis provperiod

Om leverantören

  • Rockwell Automation
  • Belägen i Milwaukee, USA
  • Grundades 1903

Support för Fiix

  • Telefonsupport
  • Chatt

Tillgängliga länder

Albanien, Algeriet, Amerikanska Jungfruöarna, Amerikanska Samoa, Andorra och 214 andra


danska, engelska, franska, polska, portugisiska och 3 andra

Fiix videor och bilder

Fiix Programvara- 1
Fiix Programvara- 2
Fiix Programvara- 3
Fiix Programvara- 4
Fiix Programvara- 5
Visa 6 till
Fiix Programvara- 1
Fiix Programvara- 2
Fiix Programvara- 3
Fiix Programvara- 4
Fiix Programvara- 5

Funktioner i Fiix

  • Aktivitetspanel
  • Aktivitetsspårning
  • Anpassningsbara rapporter
  • Användarhantering
  • Arbetsorderhantering
  • Asset Lifecycle Management
  • Asset-bilder
  • Barcode/Ticket Scanning
  • Datavisualisering
  • Delhantering
  • Efterlevnadskontroll
  • Elektronisk underskrift
  • Facility Asset Management
  • Flera platser
  • Fordonsinformation
  • För flygbolag
  • Förebyggande underhåll
  • Försäljarstyrelse
  • Förutsägbart underhåll
  • Förvaltning av anläggningstillgångar
  • Garantispårning
  • Grundorsaksanalys
  • Historisk rapportering
  • Incheckning / Utcheckning
  • Incidentshantering
  • Inköpsorderhantering
  • Inspektionshantering
  • Jobbhantering
  • Jobbspårning
  • Kalenderhantering
  • Kalibreringshantering
  • Kostnadsspårning
  • Lagerhantering
  • Lagerspårning
  • Lagerstyrning
  • Mobilåtkomst
  • Platsspårning
  • Prestandamätningar
  • Påminnelser
  • Rapportering och analys
  • Rapportering och statistik
  • Real-Time Data
  • Real-Time Monitoring
  • Reparationsspårning
  • Schemaläggning
  • Schemaläggning av underhåll
  • Servicehistorik
  • Spårning av stillestånd
  • Statusspårning
  • Streckkodning / RFID
  • Teknikledning
  • Third-Party Integrations
  • Tillgångsspårning
  • Underhållsstyrning
  • Utrustningshantering
  • Utrustningsspårning
  • Utrustningsunderhåll
  • Varningar / Meddelanden
  • Verifieringskedja
  • Övervakning

Fiix Hitta alternativ 2021 - Capterra Sverige

MaintainX är en mobilinriktad programvara för arbetsorder- och procedurdigitalisering som förbättrar effektiviteten och insikterna i realtid. Lätt att använda.
Användarvänlig, enkel att installera. 40 års erfarenhet och kunskap inom underhållshantering. Passar perfekt för alla typer av anläggningar.
Effektivisera din vagnparksverksamhet och minska kostnaderna med Samsaras allt i ett-plattform för GPS-spårning, säkerhet, ELD-efterlevnad med mera.
En lösning för varumärkesregistrering och IP-hantering för alla jurisdiktioner, med automatiska statusuppdateringar från USPTO och kostnadsfritt dataintag.
eMaint hjälper underhållsteam att förbättra effektiviteten och minska kostnaderna. Konfigurera det lättanvända systemet så att det passar dina unika behov.
UpKeep är rankad som den främsta mobila programvaran för underhållshantering för att effektivisera arbetsordrar, anläggningar och kapitalförvaltning.

Recensioner av Fiix


Enkel användning
Valuta för pengarna

Recensioner efter företagsstorlek (antal anställda)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1 000
  • >1 001

Hitta recensioner efter betyg

NA World class Manufacturing Manager i USA
Verifierad LinkedIn-användare
Industriell automation, 501‒1 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Fiix Fixed our Maintenance Organization

5,0 för 4 år sedan


Fiix is an incredible package for companies looking for a flexible CMMS. The Work Order System and it's flexibility to schedule tickets to Machines, Assets or Projects is very useful in our organization. We have a smaller maintenance department so we mix our activities with both in-house and contracted technicians. The Work Order system allows for us to assign an open ticket to a project that can then be tracked and closed after the vendor has completed the work.


When it comes to a downside to this software I haven't really found one yet. The customer service and flexibility has made it very easy to transition. If I had to point to one thing it would be that we could reuse some of our field names from the old database, but this was easily overcome by a great on-boarding. experience

Pramod Krishna Chaitanya
Senior Engineer i Indien
Textilier, 51‒200 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Fiix - fixes the gaps easily in various aspects and helps to increase the maintenance efficiency

5,0 för 8 månader sedan

Kommentarer: Fiix is highly regarded for its user-friendly interface, robust features for asset and work order management, excellent mobile support, and strong customer service. It's a solid choice for businesses looking to optimize their maintenance operations and improve overall efficiency.


User friendly software Mobile Accessibility for team members Reporting and Analytics of assets Integration Capabilities with other softwares Continuous Improvement by regular updates & features


Pricing is little bit high Limited filters in some functions

Maintenance Planner i USA
Byggnadsmaterial, 51‒200 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Good for the Money

3,0 för 10 månader sedan

Kommentarer: Very easy to use but reporting is not accurate at all.


Easy to use, creating PM's, generating work orders and assigning work orders.


Hard to setup and use reports. Most of the reports are not accurate.

Finance and foreign trade i USA
Verifierad LinkedIn-användare
Detaljhandel, 10 000+ anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

I improve my work performance

5,0 för 4 månader sedan

Kommentarer: I improve the performance of the team in general with very good tools that made it possible to eliminate repetitive processes and turn them into more automatic processes with perfect results


I can manage all work tasks better organized so that I can have production with each order, it helps me reduce development times with each task by being able to have everything unified on the same platform. I feel satisfied because it is a platform that has proven to be very secure with stored data.


There is nothing to dislike, they have always met expectations

Maintenance Technician i USA
Olja och energi, 51‒200 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

Excellent Program - Stay On Task

5,0 för 5 månader sedan

Kommentarer: It really helps on the job to keep my day organized and it was easy to learn.


It helps at work to keep track of all of the tasks I have to take care of. I also like it that I can use the app on my phone to close out tasks and add tasks.


I can't think of anything i dislike. Everything seems easy to understand and use once you get used to it.

Project Manager i Australien
Arkitektur och planering, 51‒200 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

My Experience With Fiix

5,0 för 5 månader sedan


Fiix offers great CMMS features and makes maintenance planning, reporting, and tracking easy.


All the features of Fiix work smoothly and no issues.

warehouse coordinator i USA
Konsumtionsvaror, 501‒1 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

move to fixx

5,0 för 5 månader sedan

Kommentarer: switched to this from another product and like this one much better


so very easy to use dont have to type in a million different boxes


so far i havent found anything i dont like

Maintenance Reliability i USA
Industriell automation, Egenföretagare
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Fiix CMMS use in a <50 employee manufacturing facility

5,0 för 2 år sedan

Kommentarer: We have had a very good experience with the software itself and the customer service has been excellent.


It has all the features we need, works very well for a company our size. The value to price ratio is high.


Since we are not using Fiix to its full capability, ther have not been any particular dislikes.

IT Officer i Indonesien
Fiske, 51‒200 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Our progress with Fiix

5,0 för 2 år sedan

Kommentarer: it is still and will be the only comfortable software or application to maintain assets in our tiny company


Mobile application and asset tracking are the most valuable feature in Fiix, this help me track and tag any IT assets on our company. basically, tracking asset is so easy only by scanning the barcode or QRcode


the asset recording is pretty hard to do, I am only a free trial user so maybe that is the reason i have such struggle. importing/exporting assets list from csv or any other data based file will be great. also sometimes the barcode or QRcode did not worked properly when scanned by Fiix mobile app

Maintenance Lead i USA
Mat och dryck, 1 001‒5 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

A Busy Career.

4,0 för 2 år sedan

Kommentarer: It allows everyone to know what PM has been completed and by who. This way time and material isn't wasted by doing the same job more than once.


Easy to use after proper training on how to access.


Administrator needs more access to make changes to assets and scheduling without having to get ahold of someone to allow the changes to be made.I wish there was a alarm on the system to let everyone know that a PM is about to be overdue, instead of letting you know it's late after the fact.

Safety mgr i USA
Byggnadsmaterial, 51‒200 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa


4,0 för 2 år sedan

Kommentarer: great. we are able to prioritize our work. plan our work alot better


user friendly, easy to learn and to teach how to use. it saves us ton of time. particularly on parts inventory


going back to "general" page to finish the w/o. would like to make whole w/o on one page.Also would like to see the name of who put what w/o in.

Olja och energi, 1 001‒5 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

The truth

5,0 för 2 år sedan

Kommentarer: It’s pretty good


It’s easy to use. Very easy to understand.


Nothing really, I hate when you complete a work order at the bottom and it brings you up to the top.

edna luci
edna luci
university senior technician i Colombia
Verifierad LinkedIn-användare
Marknadsföring och reklam, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: Gratis provperiod
Recensentens källa

The complete solution to optimize my maintenance management.

5,0 för 2 år sedan

Kommentarer: One of the things I value most is his ability to adapt to my specific needs.


What I liked the most is its ease of use and versatility. I have also been impressed by the amount of functionality it offers me.


It would be beneficial to have better guidance for new users, especially in regards to initial setup and customization.

Manager i Kanada
Logistik & Supply Chain, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Extremely Happy with the free version

5,0 för 2 år sedan

Kommentarer: Great experience, customer service is quick at resolving issues.


Free, easy to use, and quick to figure out


I am unable to print work orders using the free version

Stationnary Engineer i Kanada
Datornätverk, 11‒50 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1-5 månader
Recensentens källa

My review

5,0 för 2 år sedan

Kommentarer: Positive friendly user and easy to comprehend


I think that the easyness to use and opeate is the best feature.


The mobile platform will need to be review.

Educator i Indien
Marknadsföring och reklam, 11‒50 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1-5 månader
Recensentens källa

Powerful Maintenance Management Software

5,0 för 2 år sedan

Kommentarer: Fiix Software is Complete Solution to manage your maintenance and work order in smart way. The software is help us to make data-driven decisions with the help of Maintenance Management, Work Order and Reporting & Statistics Features. Very happy with the tool, Must Try!


It's a great software that provides many features likes Maintenance Management, Mobile Access, Asset Tracking, Job Management and Reporting & Statistics, etc. The software is very easy to use and manage your works smartly.


Generally, I was not have any issue with the software but sometimes it gives an error when we try to migrate our data.

Verifierad recensent
Verifierad LinkedIn-användare
Textilier, 1 001‒5 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa


5,0 för 6 år sedan

Kommentarer: I was able to organize all the manufacturing plant equipment and daily work and PM’s quickly and efficiently.
The work done on the plant went from being a chaotic problem to a very organized and planned program that has resulted in record production outputs by the plant.
Furthermore, we now have historical information and can plan rather than wait for a problem (Predictive Maintenance), and order appropriate levels of spare parts.
The application comes out of the box (Web-based), with ALL the ”modules,” so there is no additional components to buy. Parts, vendors, Purchase Orders, are all part of the application.
As if this was not enough, Fiix comes with a mobile app that works with any phone. I can enter new Work Orders as I do my inspections every day and the assigned tech gets it immediately to get the machine back to work.
The tech enters the data on his/her phone and moves on to the next WO or task.
Work is logged, the time recorded, and the equipment is updated with the new information, time down, work performed, parts used, hour meter information and the appropriate people are notified via email, text or both, as you desire.
Photos and documents can be quickly attached to the work orders and equipment to give the techs detailed information about the work to be done, schematics or OEM specific instructions.
My experience with Fiix has been phenomenal and I would highly recommend this to anyone.


I like just about everything about Fiix. The application is straightforward to use, and although I have an IT background, I can see how easy it would be easy for anyone to use it. After we purchased the software, it took me hours not days to quickly set it up, and I was up and running. Yes, CMMS takes time to set up, and it requires much forethought and planning, but Fiix is ready to use the day you buy it, and all you have to do is enter your equipment data, and you can start creating work orders immediately. Did you forget to enter one piece of equipment? No problem, you can add it on the fly at any time. The app is easy to understand and use, and the support from Fiix is A+, one if the best I have ever experienced. Answers to questions, fixes to problems (I had very few, and most were self-inflicted), are quickly answered by Fiix support. in my opinion, Fiux is a top contender.


Not much. I cannot think of anything I dislike about Fiix.

Maintenance Coordinator i USA
Konsumtionsvaror, 5 001‒10 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Fiix Yourself

5,0 för 2 år sedan

Kommentarer: We have only had Fiix now for approximately 8 months. To say I am still learning things about Fiix daily would be an understatement. I love the program and everything it entails. Not to mention they are so very happy to help as needed.


All of it's capabilities within either a departmental aspect or a company.


The lack of features within the cycle count section of the program.

Svar för Rockwell Automation

för 2 år sedan

Hey Charles, we appreciate you taking the time to leave us a review. We're happy to hear that you are enjoying our software. Thank you for telling us about your experience.

Maintenance Manager i Kanada
Bil, 1 001‒5 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Using FIXX in an Industrial Facility

5,0 för 2 år sedan

Kommentarer: It is a real pleasure to work with the FIXX Team and they have always supported us with everything we have needed. We started with them as they were just beginning and we have both benefitted from our partnership.


This software is easy to use and quick to learn. Many of my Skilled Trades people are not highly computer literate but found FIXX to be easy to handle with only minimal training.


FIXX offers way more features than we actually use. I have no issues or concerns as we have found this to be a near perfect solution to our old system of paper and copies.

Maintenance & Asset Assistant i USA
Olja och energi, 201‒500 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

FIIX Makes It Work

5,0 för 3 år sedan


It's easy to understand and teach operators to use.


I'd like to see improvements made to the mobile app with more options.

Executive Assistant i USA
Spel och casinos, 1 001‒5 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Fiix - Quick and Easy!

5,0 för 2 år sedan

Kommentarer: Fiix has provided many benefits not only to our Facilities team, but to the entire casino staff. The staff can now easily enter a work order from wherever they are located using their phone. The facilities team can also keep track of their daily work and justify hours worked.


Extremely user friendly. Anyone, no matter the skillset, can use the mobile application to successfully submit an order. There are only a few field to fill in but enough information requested so the team handling understands the needs.


Some of the back end screens took awhile to get used too, specifically the inventory pages as well as adding assets. This is likely due to user attention.

Maintenance Engineer i USA
Kemikalier, 51‒200 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Estron Chemcial CMMS Review

5,0 för 5 år sedan

Kommentarer: We have definitely developed a better preventative maintenance plan from data acquired through this CMMS. Although we don't utilize the asset downtime tracker through this system, production has definitely seen an improvement in equipment downtime over the last several years. We love the value of the system when you factor the systems capabilities, our level of utilization, and subscription price.


1. The work order management and completion history has been most impactful to our day to day operations. Since we have had the system for 5+ years now we have a really nice history of work orders completed against individual assets that help aid in the troubleshooting process from time to time. 2. Our maintenance group overall is also on the older end of the spectrum so the ease of use has been nice for those guys. 3. Customer support has been a 10/10 anytime we have had a question or needed help. 4. This was the first CMMS really utilized by the company, there was much integration past the data input it took to generate assets. That process was quite simple. Past that we do not have an ERP system to integrate with at this time.


I will preface this by saying that we pay for the cheapest level of subscription. But it would be nice to have the ability to customize some of the reports or build my own. When viewing work order history under the "Log" tab of an asset, it would be nice to be able to separate corrective work order history versus PM work orders just because the PM's are the majority of work orders completed.

Maintenance Supervisor i USA
Mattillverkning, 51‒200 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Fiix User

5,0 för 4 år sedan

Kommentarer: very easy to use, once you've taken the time to enter all your equipment/assets or location and any information regarding maintenance and that is just when you start. Since the start of this program, all of our equipment are being serviced on timely manner, parts inventory been easy to maintain, and any information for that equipment is always easy to access for any piece of equipment. for example: manufacturer, model and serial number. over all this program Fiix have made my maintenance program easy and simple to use and track. Above all obtaining AA from the BRC audit.


There are number of features that I really like but the most I found very helpful when it came time for our BRC annual Audit and made things very easy, efficient and less time consuming were the scheduled maintenance, and the ability to schedule according to manufactures specifications and the reminders triggers via email, list of equipment and their locations, work order generation and completion. Running report to show all types of closed work orders, inventory under your assets, parts used versus what's left in stock. and the ability to access and generate work orders without having a user log in and prevent paying more for multiple users.


Honestly there not any specific but I would like to see if the programmers are working on ability to take pictures or scan into the program work order of equipment or any asset directly from your mobile devise. This feature may be there on the advance features, but for now I have the basic program.

Maintenance Manager i USA
Transport / lastbil / järnväg, 501‒1 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1-5 månader
Recensentens källa

Fiix Fixed our work order problems.

4,0 för 2 år sedan


I have been in Machine maintenance for 35 years I have worked with paper work orders to some of the vary first systems Fiix is by far the best one I have ever used. My Techs caught onto it in two days including the training day. with minimal questions. We have been using Fiix for 3 months and not a single complaint from my guys on how Fiix iz junk or it doesn't do this...


We have been using Fiix for 3 months I'm a little nervous on how our inventory will be kept we will see I guess. But if it's anything like we have been experiencing I can't wait to start that part of it.

Svar för Rockwell Automation

för 2 år sedan

Hi Paul, we appreciate you taking the time to leave us a review. Glad to hear that your team has been adapting well to Fiix. Thank you for telling us about your experience.

Sr. Global Lean Director i USA
Mat och dryck, 1 001‒5 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

Fiix Review

4,0 för 3 år sedan

Kommentarer: Our goal was to implement a system to manage assets, work orders and parts. Fiix offers all those solutions with the ability to integrate. System is easy to use and support is quick. Experienced some implementation challenges with some technical issues that took a long time to resolve. That is one area for improvement.


It's ease of use as a CMMS. It has the basic functions that a maintenance team will need to manage assets, work orders, spare parts and purchasing.


For multi-site use, you cannot limit the list of suppliers, preventive maintenance or task groups to the site users. It would be nice for those items be visible only to the site access level based on permissions. Configuration of reporting is not so simple.

Svar för Rockwell Automation

för 3 år sedan

Hey Olawale, thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. We're glad to hear that you have been finding our software easy to use. As for your product suggestion around site access visibility based on permissions we'll pass your feedback on to our team. As we are always looking for ways to improve, your feedback is appreciated.