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Workday Financial Management
Vad är Workday Financial Management?
Workday Financial Management är en molnbaserad lösning utformad för ekonomisk planering, analys och transaktioner. Genom att kombinera transaktioner, redovisning och analys och alltid utföra revisioner i ett system ger Workday beslutsfattare möjligheten att i realtid och på språng få ekonomisk och affärsmässig insikt som de kan agera på och planera för vad som kommer härnäst.
Vem använder Workday Financial Management?
Workday Financial Management är utformat för att hjälpa ekonomichefer i företag av alla storlekar att leda sin ekonomi med djupare insikter, mindre manuellt arbete och större lättrörlighet.
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Workday Financial Management
Recensioner av Workday Financial Management
Best cloud based financial management system
Easy to develop reports and less coding for developing integrations. User Interface is very good and dashboards are easy to develop and deploy
It won't allow much customization on the existing pages.
Workday Financials Review
Kommentarer: Pretty good, however the points addressed as dislikes should be addressed as it would make workday more robust
What I like is the reporting options available in the financials model. It allows us to reconcile grant spending within the award management team along with the depts as all data points are in Workday. Users with the report Writer role are able to construct their own reports and schedule output for specific users as needed. Everything from award creation to sponsor billing can be done from one system.
There are constraints regarding billing for sponsors on grants for expenses posting outside of award line dates if the company is using a different system for timekeeping. There are also no award or grant compliance checks in workday leaving compliance auditing at risk
Workday Review
Kommentarer: I use workday to keep track of all my important company information. Overall I would say it's a good platform, but it needs some updating to make it more user friendly. Epically the time and absence widgets. I'm not a huge fan of how this program functions.
I like being able to access my personal information, my performance, my time, my benefits, etc. all in one location.
I don't like how difficult it is to track my time. We have a lock out every week and it is difficult to keep track of the hours I work. I usually have to write them down on a sticky note and transfer them back in once the lock out is over. Very inconvenient. I also don't like how I have to go to a different screen to include my absences like PTO or Maternity leave. It's been somewhat of a mess trying to keep track of al my hours and benefits.
Easy to find transactions, sort, and filter
Lots of irrelevant data fields crowd the page. Difficulty knowing which do use.
Slow and Not User Friendly
Kommentarer: Accessing the specific reports is difficult as the user is required to remember several abbreviated name strings (fin acc manage...). When finally accessing the correct report, Workday is slow to load the report and a pop-up typically appears asking if the user would like to be notified when the report is available.
Some of the budget management reports allow users to drill down into specific line items/ spend categories. This feature is great for a quick refresher of recent expenses.
There are too many separate reports acting as silos. This often makes it difficult to see the full financial picture without multiple tabs or Excel downloads.