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Acronis Cyber Backup
Vad är Acronis Cyber Backup?
Acronis Cyber Backup håller kostnaderna nere och produktiviteten hög. Det säkerställer obegränsad skalbarhet, skyddar allt arbete och utnyttjar alla lagrings- och/eller molnfunktioner. Genom att balansera värdet av data- och infrastrukturkostnaderna gör dess intuitiva webbaserade hanteringskonsol det enkelt att övervaka och schemalägga säkerhetskopieringar medan inbyggd AI-baserad teknik förhindrar kryptoattacker.
Vem använder Acronis Cyber Backup?
Företag av alla storlekar Fysiska miljöer, virtuella miljöer och molnmiljöer Distribuerade IT-miljöer Söker efter enkelt dataskydd och centraliserad systemhantering Söker allt-i-ett hybridsäkerhetskopiering (lokalt och moln)
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Acronis Cyber Backup
Recensioner av Acronis Cyber Backup
Övervägda alternativ:
The best backup and data protection service
Kommentarer: My overall experience with Acronis Cyber Backup has been excellent. It not only provides data protection for my customers' data but also helps me to grow my revenue.
The most useful features of Acronis Cyber Backup are the backup itself along with the security features like malware protection, ransomware protection and vulnerability assessment.
There is hardly anything to dislike about Acronis Cyber Backup. In fact, they frequently roll out features that resolve any limitations they may have.
Övervägda alternativ:
Easy to setup and reliable to restore from.
Kommentarer: We have been using Acronis for sometime now, and it is a very user friendly solution. It offers lots of options, and the time where we have had to restore, it has been successful every time.
One of the best parts of Acronis ,is just how easy it is to setup and configure. It comes with so many options and features. If you want a simple backup, a few clicks and your away. If you want encryption and compression etc. equally a easy,.
What we would like to see, is a way of customizing the email address which sends us the backup alerts. This way we can administer it easier, as it creates tickets in our ticket system.
Constant Issues
Kommentarer: My experience with Acronis started out great. No issues getting our workstations backing up to our various backup plans for the first year. We've been struggling to get our devices backing up constantly for several months. Customer support has been unable to solve our error messages.
The ability to see the device's last connection and IP address helps me determine whether their backup plan needs to be switched for a day or so. We have a lot of users that move from site to site.
Constant issues with registering the deployed agents, applying backup plans and using our licenses.
Great Backup, When You Know How!
Kommentarer: I require backup software that is consistently reliable, yet offers the flexibility to backup my entire computer system, including system files. Then, I want to easily restore any of my backup file versions as required, especially if I purchase new computers that need the same configuration as my existing ones. Crucially, if any of my computers should break beyond repair, I want to use my backup files to restore on any new computers. Acronis, delivers on the above. I am very appreciative for this and have had cause to use these features. I am accustomed to a backup routine and do this weekly. I keep three generations of backup. Acronis has a great feature of validating each backup that, I presume checks each file for errors. Comforting to know when your data is important.
Acronis has an extensive suite of backup features, with a myriad of options. You will find all that you need from backing up all of your hard drive to selected files. You can backup to an external drive or to the cloud, you decide. Your backup files are available whenever you require, for the inevitable disaster, when you will be thankful you backed up regularly. Its one of the few backup software that actually backs up your entire computer system. Very useful if you have a complete breakdown or need to restore to a new computer.
At first glance, the software can appear daunting to the novice. The Menu looks clean and simple, yet you look around, bemused, because you don't really know what to do. The instructions are not good. I found my way around, more, trial and error. Discovering the features, by exploring the Menu options and reading the prompts. Initially, it took over hours of my time. Now I know what I am doing, I think the software is great. However, if I go on holiday and come back to Acronis after a period of time, it takes a little time to refresh myself on how use it again. Its not intuitive. With this in mind, this is my backup software of choice.
All in one backup solution which can be opted for without the concern of CAPEX.
Kommentarer: I am using Acronis for the last could of months and yet I did not face any issue in terms of working as well as their support's response time is also too good.
There is no need for any minimum billing commitment for Aronis cyber cloud (if you opt for the same from Acronis resellers), as well as they offers the backups for each and every type of computing load and Operating Systemes in addition we can monitor and configure the backup from a single pan of glass (i.e. Acronis Console).
We can not configure or use our own AWS S3 or Microsoft Blob as storage.