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Vad är Maileon?
Maileons plattform för automatiserad marknadsföring matchar dina ambitioner. Skapa attraktiva och anpassade e-postmeddelanden. Nå ut till din målgrupp på ett effektivt och ändamålsenligt sätt. Automatisera riktade kampanjer i flera kanaler. Och optimera resultaten med omfattande testning och rapportering. Med vår plattform, omfattande integrationer och starka partnerskap har du allt du behöver för att hantera utmaningarna i din marknadsföring. Maileon erbjuder en fullt skalbar automatisering av din e-post och marknadsföring. Ge din konvertering, dina intäkter och din verksamhet ett uppsving längs vägen.
Vem använder Maileon?
För medelstora till stora företag som vill nå sina marknadsföringsmål, har vi en enkel lösning för komplexa behov. Oavsett om det gäller ett växande företag eller en byrå som är angelägen om att expandera.
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Recensioner av Maileon

Reliable and easy to use software paired with really good customer service
Kommentarer: We have provided many subaccounts for customers and have regularly sent both campaigns and trigger mailings. In addition to the easy-to-use software, Maileon also provides good, professional customer service. The pricing model has always worked for us and our customers. I can only recommend Maileon.
The availability and speed of the system are very convincing. The simple operation and the diverse quality checks make life easier for the email marketer.
I can not find any disadvantages. The reporting options are generally good, but there is still room for improvement.
An excellent and super-fast email marketing service
Kommentarer: I´ve been using Maileon for the past 7 years, and it´s so easy to use. I´m sending several campaigns per week, I like their new features (every month which is incredible!) and Maileon is also very cost effective! I appreciate that Maileon is fast to connect with our clients. I´d definitely recommend it.
Maileon is really super-fast and advanced service with great features like BI, recommendation, analytics, email validation etc. Their API is also great, powerfull and easy to use. I´m absolutely impressed by their custom development - it´s something unique and I really like the cooperation with their service team, SW engineers and so on.
I don´t have any cons to say about it. There is nothing in particular that I truly dislike about it.
Very complex mailing tool, which is able to do basically everything
Everything you would want a mailing tool to do, Maileon is able to.
It's not very intuitive. You have to really know you way through this tool.
The use of Maileon
The bottom reason why I like Maileon the most is about the uncountable possibilities. Both in functionality and in design of an email template.
Not the difficulty of the software but the amount of possibilities. With the right guidance you will get through this on a short term.

A close to perfect email marketing solution
Kommentarer: We do regular email campaigns for ourselves and our customers. From small to very big customers, we are more than happy with the functionality and the way we can use the software for professional email marketing.
- a lot of features - easy to use - best value for money in the sector of email marketing software for professional use - agency model - cool new features that has nobody else in the industry
- sometimes a bit slow - some features are a bit hidden - needs time to get used to the user interface
Makes E-Mail-Marketing very easy and scalable
Setup of the system and getting everything established is a quick process. There is multi-client capability as well as flexible and easy integration of a comprehensive feature set for all the needs of a digital marketer nowadays. The support is great and willing to build custom adaptations in short time at reasonable pricing. The UI is clean and intuitive and there are tons of modules for marketing automations, shop, social and crm integrations which makes the software a great overall package and a pleasure to use.
In more than 2 years of daily usage any cons have yet to be found.
- very good Software in terms of the global set-up concerning an E-Commerce Mailing-Strategy - Integration in third-party tools is possible - very good customer support and highly qualified Consulting -
Nothing to criticize from our point of view.
Reliable Email Marketing Service and CRM
Ease of use, reliable reports, anti spam email sending infrastructure, great support team also has many useful features.
Maybe can add pdf reports with future updates but it is not crucial feature for me.
Maileon - a perfect tool
Professional product Great Performance Customer Satisfaction
Less usable for small customers Many great Features - but needs time to find out what is best for your own use case
e-mail-marketing software for the Future
Dashboard, Marketing automation, support, privacy policy
Großer Schritt voran für unsere Firma
Der Service zu Beginn war toll und wichtig. Gemeinsam haben wir die Software eingerichtet, was ich ohne die Hilfe der Servicemitarbeiter nicht geschafft hätte. Ebenso bekam ich eine tolle Einweisung und später auftretende Fragen wurden immer in kürzester Zeit beantwortet. Da man sehr viele Möglichkeiten hat hier Newsletter und Triggermails zu erstellen, wirken einige Funktionen zu Beginn unübersichtlich, was sie aber nicht sind. Maileon hat sehr mächtige Funktionen und das setzt natürlich voraus, dass man sich mit der Materie auseinandersetzt. Aber wie gesagt, es wird bei Fragen immer schnell und kompetent geholfen. Einfache standart Newsletter sind aber aufgrund des Baukastensystems super einfach zu erstellen.
Mir ist aktuell noch nichts negatives aufgefallen.
Super Newsletter Tool
Der Editor 2.0 ist leicht zu bedienen und bringt uns als Agentur schnell ans Ziel. Damit lassen sich Templates schnell anlegen und benutzerdefiniert bis aufs kleinste Detail anpassen. Es ist selbsterklärend und man kann sich schnell rein arbeiten und findet sich gut zurecht. Die allgemeine Nutzung von Maileon ist verständlich und intuitiv.
Wenn Medien hochgeladen werden kann man diese jederzeit löschen auch wenn diese in Verwendung in Mailings sind. Dies könnte noch optimiert werden, dass man angezeigt bekommt wo die Quelle eingesetzt ist, sodass man nicht versehentlich ein Bild löscht, welches im Mailing verknüpft ist. Dies ist jedoch eine kleine Optimierung, ansonsten habe ich nichts zu bemängeln.
Functional software that could be even more user friendly
Key features for e-mailings are included, most functions are easy to use / to learn to use them.
Some Complexity for frequent cases, e.g. deleting filters, lists, jobs if they are interlinked. Could be easier solutions within the software to tackle these issues.
Gutes Tool
Kommentarer: Wirklich gutes Tool und immer eine super nette Kundenbetreuung.
Extrem viele individuelle Anpassungsmöglichkeiten
Benutzeroberfläche darf an einigen Stellen etwas intuitiver sein
Övervägda alternativ:
Perfect e-mailing software
Kommentarer: Good explanation and help
The amount of possibilities. Marketing automation
It is not always easy to use. Linking with woocommerce is not flawless.
Very good performance ESP for the monthly fee
Maileon is an all in one email software that is compared with other ESP's ahead of it's time. We love using Maileon and the deliverability rate is very good. We liked the user interface and high quality functionalities.
You can't make multiple databases within one account/license.