I 18 år har vi hjälpt företag
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Vad är Event Temple?

Event Temple har skapat en av världens mest avancerade programvaruplattformar för hantering av olika platser. För första gången någonsin kan hotell, konferenscenter, bröllopslokaler och klubbar enkelt använda en programvara för att integreras med ett stort ekosystem av andra moderna programvaror. I programvarusviten ingår kraftfull säljautomatisering med både e-post och text, CRM-funktioner, en kalender för eventhantering med möjlighet till flera utrymmen, BEO:er och mycket mer. Lösningen synkroniseras också med gmail, outlook och mycket mer.

Vem använder Event Temple?

Bland kunderna finns följande: Bröllopslokaler Evenemangslokaler Restauranger Hotell Konferenscenter Klubbar Högskolor och universitet Golfbanor och golfklubbar Cateringföretag Utbildningsanläggningar Myndigheter

Var kan Event Temple användas?

På plats

Om leverantören

  • Event Temple
  • Belägen i Vancouver, Kanada
  • Grundades 2016

Support för Event Temple

  • Telefonsupport
  • Chatt

Tillgängliga länder

Albanien, Amerikanska Jungfruöarna, Andorra, Anguilla, Antigua och Barbuda och 93 andra



Prissättning av Event Temple


109,00 US$/år
  • Erbjuder en gratis provperiod
  • Ingen gratisversion

Event Temple har ingen gratisversion men erbjuder en gratis testversion. Event Templebetald version börjar på 109,00 US$/år.

få en gratis provperiod

Om leverantören

  • Event Temple
  • Belägen i Vancouver, Kanada
  • Grundades 2016

Support för Event Temple

  • Telefonsupport
  • Chatt

Tillgängliga länder

Albanien, Amerikanska Jungfruöarna, Andorra, Anguilla, Antigua och Barbuda och 93 andra



Event Temple videor och bilder

Event Temple Programvara- 1
Event Temple Programvara- 2
Event Temple Programvara- 3
Event Temple Programvara- 4
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Event Temple-video
Event Temple Programvara- 1
Event Temple Programvara- 2
Event Temple Programvara- 3
Event Temple Programvara- 4
Event Temple Programvara- 5

Funktioner i Event Temple

  • Aktivitetspanel
  • Anpassningsbar branding
  • Betalbearbetning
  • Bokningshantering
  • CRM
  • Citat / uppskattningar
  • Confirmations/Reminders
  • E-post marknadsföring
  • Eventhantering
  • Eventkalender
  • Fakturering
  • For Catering Businesses
  • Försäljningsledning
  • Kitchen/Menu Management
  • Kommunikationshantering
  • Kontrakt / Licenshantering
  • Kunddatabas
  • Mobilåtkomst
  • Online betalning
  • Orderhantering
  • Personaladministration
  • Rapportering och analys
  • Rapportering och statistik
  • Rumslager
  • Schemaläggning av event
  • Skapa förslag
  • Third-Party Integrations
  • Varningar / Meddelanden
  • Återförsäljarhantering

Event Temple Hitta alternativ 2021 - Capterra Sverige

Plattform för evenemangsbokning och onlinebetalning för lokaler, restauranger, cateringfirmor och hotell- och restauranggrupper.
Programvaran är molnbaserad och har utformats för att hjälpa lokalerna att marknadsföra och hantera sina utrymmen, catering med mera från ett och samma ställe.
En planeringsplattform för utrustning, labb, mötesrum, skrivbord, bekvämligheter, träningsanläggningar med mera.
Heltäckande programvarulösning för hantering av evenemang och evenemangsbyggnader, med verktyg för CRM, bokning, registrering, mobil, webbplats, rapportering och ekonomi. Lär dig mer om Momentus Technologies (formerly Ungerboeck)
Få friheten att skapa en egen jättesnygg webbplats precis så som du vill ha den – gratis.
Innovativt IWMS-system för IoT. Integrerade lösningar för hantering av underhåll, byggnader och arbetsplatser.
monday.com är ett molnbaserat arbetsoperativsystem där team sköter sina projekt och sitt dagliga arbete, oavsett om de är på kontoret, hemma eller på språng. Lär dig mer om monday.com
Wrike är en projekthanteringsprogramvara för företag med mallar, tidsuppföljning, Gantt-diagram, Kanban-tavlor, rapporter med mera.

Recensioner av Event Temple


Enkel användning
Valuta för pengarna

Recensioner efter företagsstorlek (antal anställda)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1 000
  • >1 001

Hitta recensioner efter betyg

Senior fashion consultant i Indien
Verifierad LinkedIn-användare
Detaljhandel, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Sales track leader

5,0 för 6 dagar sedan Nytt

Kommentarer: I loved to use and helps track leads, manage pipelines, and improve sales efficiency.


Track leads, automate follow-ups, and manage client relationships.


The basics are intuitive, but setting up automation and workflows can take time.

Communications And Marketing Specialist i USA
Högre utbildning, 501‒1 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

Event Temple: Powerful and Flexible with Minor Drawbacks

5,0 förra månaden Nytt

Kommentarer: My overall experience with Event Temple has been really great. It helps me to manage multiple venue which keeps grow my audience. Whole team can collaborate with each other in real time which keeps everyone on the same page.


I love the fact how Event Temple makes event planning so easy. It helps from the start to the ending everything in one place. I can also integrates it with other CRM which improves my relation with clients.


Sometimes i find minor lags when ever I am working on larger scale of data. The mobile app is also misses some features as compared to desktop version.

Owner i USA
Underhållning, Egenföretagare
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

Subscribing to Event Temple is the best investment I made for my company to secure bookings.

5,0 för 7 år sedan

Kommentarer: It was easy to use.


Easy to use lots of functions and the technical support are the best. Whenever I have a question or problem they are very quick to respond. Also, it's easy to configure your automation emailing campaigns keeping track of the opens and along with the stats.


When I first become a subscriber the software was difficult to delete large bridal leads listing. That problem was correct and to be honest this is the only issue I can recall with Event Temple.

owner i Storbritannien
Verifierad LinkedIn-användare
Mat och dryck, 11‒50 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Efficient Event Management for Cafes

5,0 för 4 veckor sedan Nytt

Kommentarer: Event Temple is a fantastic tool for cafe that frequently host events, such as private parties, workshops, or regular community gatherings.


Its intuitive interface makes managing reservations, bookings, and customer data straightforward, even for smaller teams with limited time for training.


While Event Temple offers robust features, smaller cafes with tight budgets might find the subscription pricing challenging, especially if they only host occasional events.

Healthcare assistant i Storbritannien
Verifierad LinkedIn-användare
Sjukhus och hälsovård, 51‒200 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

"More Suitable for Management Roles, Less Relevant for Healthcare Assistants"

5,0 för 3 veckor sedan Nytt

Kommentarer: As a healthcare assistant, Event Temple felt more suited for management roles.


Event Temple improves scheduling, communication, task management, and workflow efficiency.


As a healthcare assistant, Event Temple feels unnecessary for daily tasks.

Verifierad recensent
Verifierad LinkedIn-användare
Sjukhus och hälsovård, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1-5 månader
Recensentens källa

Best of event organization

5,0 för 2 månader sedan Nytt

Kommentarer: Event temple organization best performance of work.


The hotel event organization overall super.All decoration methods also fantastic.


The all events are not bad.The best of event organization.

Director i USA
Utbildningsförvaltning, 201‒500 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Event Temple

5,0 förra månaden Nytt

Kommentarer: Event Temple is a great software utilizing the cloud for event management and group sales to create a better experience for our customers.


Using the cloud for event management and group sales


There is nothing noted as far as weaknesses for Event Temple

Owner i USA
Mattillverkning, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1-5 månader
Recensentens källa

Event Temple survey/review

5,0 för 3 veckor sedan Nytt

Kommentarer: My over all experience was awesome i was able to get logged in and didnt have any issues like i said navigating the platform. There user friendly platform makes it a great experience


I really like the user friendly navigation system they have. It wasnt complicated for me to figure out where i needed to fimd certain things


Loadimg page took a little bit longer to load not sure if it was on my end or there end. Really not anything i didnt like about them

Finansiella tjänster, 51‒200 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1-5 månader
Recensentens källa

Event Temple

5,0 för 2 veckor sedan Nytt

Kommentarer: Event temple is a great product and I look forward for it to continue to improve with each update.


It was unique and I have not used a product like this before.


The constant change in improving the product once I get use to using it.

Associate i Kanada
Utbildningsförvaltning, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1-5 månader
Recensentens källa

Easy venue management for conferences

5,0 förra månaden Nytt

Kommentarer: Easy to use and very user friendly, appreciated the customer service


Easy to use for organizing across multiple Venues - conferences etc


A hotel venue didn’t use it, seems there is growing adoption but not that widespread

Digital marketing consultant i USA
Datormjukvara, 51‒200 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Best temple review

5,0 för 4 dagar sedan Nytt

Kommentarer: Overall, I had a great experience; I was able to log in and navigate the platform without any problems. It's a wonderful experience because of their user-friendly platform.


Everyone on the staff is a pleasure to work with and very quick to respond to inquiries and requests. There are simply too many amazing things to say about this business.


Even while Event Temple has a lot of features, smaller cafes with limited funds may find the subscription cost prohibitive, particularly if they only seldom conduct events.

ceo i Kanada
Fotografi, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Event temple is excellent. I highly recommend.

5,0 för 4 år sedan

Kommentarer: I have used Event Temple since 2016 to automate responses to hundreds of leads and organize each lead's information. I keep the software open on my computer all day and move in and out of it through out the day, every day. I don't know how my company would run without it!


The software is easy and intuitive. It is the only software I know of that has an option to text my lead. This is huge. I find that the emails do not get caught up in spam but are delivered reliably. This is the proof in the pudding that keeps me with Event Temple. It is effective and efficient. On the rare occasions when an email does go missing, the text feature savs the day. Clients receive the text and know to expect an email. When they don't see it, they notify me. The customer service is excellent. Fast, effective and professional. I feel very well taken care of by this company. 5 stars all the way.


As mentioned, I love the texy feature. What I don't love is that I have to use a proxy phone number. That number is not local and this can be confusing to my clients. It would be AMAZING if somehow my real phone number could be incorporated into the system to avoid having the proxy number. At the very least, if the proxy number could be more local area code. Right now I am in Banff, AB , Canada and the number is a Montreal area code.

IT Solutions i USA
Evenemangstjänster, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Great customization and easy implementation

5,0 för 4 år sedan

Kommentarer: The setup documentation from EventTemple was remarkably simple. Unnervingly even. Once the initial setup was done I did one-on-one training with employees - making sure to get feedback from each and implementing any new changes before doing the next round of training. There was some hesitation at first but everyone prefers EventTemple now. The only feature we're hoping to have is some kind of private dashboard for clients to view setup progress/milestones/pipeline stage.


Customization has been far easier than expected. Learning the interface and overall features didn't take long and after a bit of brainstorming I had our venue mostly fully configured within 2 weeks. Naturally, there have been small adjustments along the way, but nothing major.


I wish there were more options when creating documents. Yes, I can absolutely use the table features to create more structure and layout options, but end-users can accidentally adjust the table settings while adding text to intentional blank spaces for them to fill in and suddenly shift everything. A lock option would be great. When printing it would also be good to remove the option to choose what dimensions the user wants to print to. Letter, A4, etc. It seems as though that should be entered by the admin when creating the document since flexible options will change the layout. Lastly, a mobile-app would be wonderful - until then, it works just as well on tablet and only slightly different on mobile (must be landscape mode)

Susan L.
Susan L.
Owner i Kanada
Verifierad LinkedIn-användare
Har använt programvaran för: 1-5 månader
Recensentens källa

EventTemple is more than I could have ever wished for! Our entire team is now fully organized .

5,0 för 7 år sedan

Kommentarer: Our entire team is now better organized and we are able to provide much better customer service. The automated responses and followup emails has not only saved us a ton of time but following up has generated enough bookings to pay for the software in only two months of usage.


I cannot say enough about EventTemple. The Pipeline system allows everyone on the team to see where we are in process with every single client and track all of our communication with them seamlessly. Document sharing, and signing is all streamlined. Probably one of the most important things things that I use, and wasn't even aware I needed it until using the software, was the Automated responses. Our followup process was sporadic but now we can follow up without a great deal of work. Fortune is in the follow-up they say and we have definitely booked several events because of the automated follow up responses. We still have not set up all of the features and integrating all of our processes such as bookkeeping yet, but are looking forward to doing so. The time EventTemple has saved myself and my team is tremendous - I'd say it has cut email time to about 1/4 of what it was previously and we are experiencing great customer satisfaction because we are able to respond quickly and more thoroughly. The amount of time it has saved us, and the increase in revenue from more booked events covered the cost of the software within the first two months of use.


The one thing that we would like is a calendar and way to schedule staff, although we think we have a work around by using the tasks feature. In every other way EventTemple has met all of our expectations and more, including features that we didn't know we needed until we started using it.

Owner i USA
Verifierad LinkedIn-användare
Evenemangstjänster, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1-5 månader
Recensentens källa

Best Value Around for Venue Management

5,0 för 3 år sedan


It's really flexible and once you understand how it operates there are so many ways to make it work for you. I've saved our venue clients so much money as well by suggestions Event Temple over Tripleseat/Gather. The other platforms are twice and much and honestly, other than looking a little nicer, are just too much for what a lot of smaller venues need. Most of our venues don't do the food service so Event Temple is a great value for everything it does and for it's price point. Excellent customer service and help along the way. I can't speak higher of another event software company.


I hope as it grows the interface becomes a little more aesthetically pleasing but that's really it!

IS Manager i Filippinerna
Turistföretag, 201‒500 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: Gratis provperiod
Recensentens källa

Great Events System software

5,0 för 2 år sedan


Less hassle to IT in terms of preventive maintenance. Ease to use.


Integration to our existing opera pms is too difficult to setup.

Catering Sales manager i Kanada
Turistföretag, 11‒50 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1-5 månader
Recensentens källa

Incredibly happy with our new Catering Management Program.

4,0 för 3 år sedan

Kommentarer: Very impressed overall, very easy transition from Caterease and much much better experience. The customer service is one of the key factors with how impressed we are.


Very customisable, great customer support. The program is quite intuitive.


Time it takes to save pages, when editing item numbers in the items. Lack of how much you can customise the calendar.

Ideell organisationsledning, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

Event Temple is simply better than the others

5,0 för 6 år sedan

Kommentarer: They've won my loyalty by providing me with their loyalty. They've lived up to every promise and made the transition as easy as possible.


Event Temple customer care is off the charts fantastic, which is unheard of for annual subscription programs. The program is incredibly customizable, accommodating, and easy to use. It reduced our booking process from 25min per event to about 3min!


I wish the financial and statistical reports were as robust and accommodating as the rest of the program.

Wedding Coordinator/Sales i USA
Har använt programvaran för: 1-5 månader
Recensentens källa

So far, so good! I thank you for making adjustments to your program based on our requests!!

4,0 för 8 år sedan


It is easy to use - especially when sending out initial responses to inquiries! I love having one place to respond to text messages with an actual keyboard! Also - having all of my lead names in front of me at once - no matter their stage - is amazing! It certainly helps with memory ;-)


Really, the only reason for 4 of 5 stars in the Overall Quality / Features, Functionality sections is that there are a few tweaks that would make my life easier (I think same for my colleagues, but we all have different styles!). One is that once a prospect is moved into a certain pipeline beyond the New Lead, there is no way to see (at a glance - without running a report) what their inquiry date or last date of comms was. As an example: I have 3 pages of "Comms in Progress" leads. I would like to do a mass follow up auto email to those I haven't corresponded with in a few weeks - but - without looking at each file individually - cannot tell who that cohort is. Does that make sense? I have assumed a few times and sent an auto email to someone with whom I had just spoken a few days prior and it is a bit embarrassing! Also - and I don't know if this affects anyone else...but is it possible to see the name of the lead texting us with each text? It is AWESOME that they are dropped directly into my email box!! Thing is: I get their names attached to the first text...but it shows as just a phone number after that. Selfishly, I would love the ease of always knowing to whom it is I am texting without having to log into the program and look it up! This program is amazing! These are small tweaks that would improve my use of it!

Svar för Event Temple

för 8 år sedan

Hey Kimberli, Thank you so much for the review. I'm going to update those small tweaks for you right away with the development team. They all make sense to us.

Verifierad recensent
Verifierad LinkedIn-användare
Evenemangstjänster, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Game Changing Product for the Event Industry

5,0 för 6 år sedan

Kommentarer: Event Temple has streamlined our process and freed us of the "busy work" and lowered the human margin for error when we get bogged down during the busy season. There is no other Event Industry-specific CRM platform out there that is as robust and responsive to customization as the team at Event Temple has been. The team is all fantastic to work with and are incredibly responsive with questions and requests. I literally can not say enough wonderful things about this company!


The CRM Automation and Workflow Automation has been a complete game changer for us as a business!


The Reporting is the only weak area currently on the entire platform, however, I know this is something that is already on Event Temple's radar and after seeing how they improved the overall system from other requests they received from clients I have no doubts this will be improved as well.

Svar för Event Temple

för 6 år sedan

Thanks you very much for the great review :)

Sales and Marketing Manager i USA
Evenemangstjänster, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1-5 månader
Recensentens källa

Event Temple - Venue Management Review

5,0 för 4 år sedan

Kommentarer: Overall, We love Event Temple and will recommend it to anyone in the Event / Hospitality industry. [SENSITIVE CONTENT] are such an asset to team Event Temple!


Our company was looking for a software that was specific for venue management but had a sales component to it. Event Temple has just that. The pipeline feature to Event Temple is what attracted us most to the software. I love how to build proposal, invoices, etc. The integration features within emails, e-signing, is wonderful and makes an ease for both our employees and clients.


The integration process was tough. Building out all the features to make specific to my organization was tough. With the implementation fee, I was under the impression that ET employees would be a little more hands on with the actual set up process vs. just explaining how to do it.

Owner, principal photographer i Kanada
Fotografi, Egenföretagare
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

I went from the far side of the psychiatric ward to poster girl for an Efficiency campaign!

5,0 för 8 år sedan

Kommentarer: Peace of Mind that my leads are not falling through the cracks.
A n easy way to stay organized and on top of my communications with leads & clients.
A centralized space to write notes about leads and clients.


Most appreciated: ease in which it integrates with the contact form on my website Visual information the pipline gives me. I can see in a glance how many leads I'm managing and what their status is. I love how I can see who has opened my emails and who hasn't Love how I can received text directly into Event temple software.


I wish there were a way I could integrate Event Temple with my Wedding Wire storefront the way it automatically intergrates with my website contact form. That would be amazing. I wish there were an easy, automatic, simple stupid way to re-arrange the leads in the pipeline to show the lead event dates chronologically so I would know which events are coming up soonest. I wish there where an Alberta local area code number for the text feature.

Svar för Event Temple

för 8 år sedan

Thanks so much Shirleen!!! We are working on a Weddingwire integration right now. We do have Alberta area codes as well now for texting your clients, so I'm going to show you those next time we chat.

Sales & Catering Coordinator i USA
Turistföretag, 11‒50 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Great program and great developers who are keen on making it the best it can be!

5,0 för 7 år sedan

Kommentarer: It made my daily work day a lot more productive and organized. Before I was using Excel and Word and a million different programs to get my stuff done. Event Temple made it so I only have to use one. THANKS!


The guys customized the program and made tweaks here and there to make it exactly what I wanted. Compared to the systems we were using before, Event Temple is a one stop place for all your organizational needs. The pipeline allows you to create custom stages so it is easy to see where yo u are at with all of your events. The stats feature is also a great way to track how you are doing. The automatic reply/reminders are such a handy feature. It does the tedious follow up emails for you! You just have to set it up. This definitely gives you time back in your day to get other things done. I can access Event Temple from anywhere, which is nice because our company's other files and programs are only accessible from the property. Overall, this is a great, all round product that is super helpful in my daily work day. Thanks guys for making my days a lot easier and more productive!!!

Svar för Event Temple

för 7 år sedan

Thanks so much Megan. We really enjoy working with you. Working with the Hilton initially had some unique challenges but we are so happy to hear that we met your expectations and are able to free your time up to spend your day focussing on planning events as opposed to doing administrative work on excel.

Owner i USA
Musik, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

Event Temple has been a fantastic investment for my business! A must have tool for your business.

5,0 för 8 år sedan

Kommentarer: CRM usage, revenue increase, better productivity, better organization, stats feature.


The ease of use. Everything is simplified to provide maximum usage of your time and productivity. The best part of my business is the follow-up. Event Temple has easy to implement tools to create an automation process for each lead I receive. I can customize email templates to fit my pipeline. The automation feature allows me to view where I stand in my pipeline and reach out by phone or text to leads who have not open any of the emails sent. There has been a lot of new updates since I began with Event Temple that makes my work more efficient. Event Temple has increased my efficiency, productivity and more importantly my revenue.


As far as cons, I would have said phone number search feature, but they just added it about a month or two ago.

Svar för Event Temple

för 8 år sedan

Hey Alex! Thanks for the review my friend!!! I love your Event Temple tutorial videos you have posted on Facebook, it means a lot to us you are spreading the word about our product and company. We have worked really hard on it and it's always nice to see not only a 5 star review but someone willing to publicly spread the word about us and put out tutorial videos to the community. Thanks again!

Owner i USA
Turistföretag, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Outstanding program!

5,0 för 6 år sedan

Kommentarer: ET has been a lifesaver, and helps keep everything organized. The other thing that I love, is if I run into any questions - things I can't figure out on my own, the staff at ET are quick to respond and show us the way. In addition, there have been a handful of times when ET didn't have a specific function that my company needed, and they quickly remedied it, and helped us create the solution. Also, I am not a super tech savvy kind of guy, and if I can navigate around the program, I am pretty sure anyone can!


It has everything I need, from automations to tracking. Makes organization of clients and venues a breeze!


Nothing to note. There have not been any drawbacks or things I could be critical about.

Svar för Event Temple

för 6 år sedan

Thank you so much Stan. It has been a pleasure working with you and it's been an honor getting to you know personally as well. You are an amazing person and we are proud to have you as a customer.