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GEP SMART är en AI-driven, enhetlig inköpsprogramvara (S2P) som ger heltäckande inköpsfunktioner för både direkt och indirekt utgiftshantering till en enda, molnbaserad plattform. Lösningen har en rad upphandlingsverktyg som är inbyggda i ett enhetligt upphandlingssystem, vilket eliminerar behovet av separat, fristående programvara, moduler eller verktyg för hantering av specifika funktioner.
Vem använder GEP SMART?
Organisationer som tillhör Fortune 500 och Global 2000 inom olika branscher, inklusive: Detaljhandel, paketerade konsumtionsvaror (consumer packaged goods, CPG), biovetenskap, läkemedel, kemi, olja och gas, bank, finans och försäkring (banking, financial services and insurance, BFSI), telekom/media mm.
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Recensioner av GEP SMART
Ecolab's MyBuy+ a.k.a. SMART by GEP
Kommentarer: Ecolab is pushing digital. SMART by GEP feeds right into that.
The adaptability of a SaaS solution. One size does not fit all and your willingness to bend is a great selling point.
Several basics features in the P2P modules weren't working and still aren't working, causing work-around solutions for us.
Övervägda alternativ:
Satisfied customer
The software has all the basic features we need as a multinational enterprise. We’ve been using it for years in the contract and sourcing space, and are now deploying procurement. GP has been very engaging in supporting future product development requirements
As with any configurable software, it takes a fair amount of time to configure, test, and deploy.
GEP review
Flexibility so far in configuring and UI
Lots of scrolling over to see things and not able to mass approve
Bang for your buck procurement software
Kommentarer: invoice automation, eProcurement, eSourcing, spend analysis etc
GEP is an integrated procurement solutions and services firm that offers managed services, transformation services and its own internally developed source-to-pay technology suite. SMART by GEP is a source to pay cloud platform from GEP, which was released in 2014. With full integration capabilities into back-end systems, built and hosted on the Microsoft Azure infrastructure, SMART by GEP gives bang for your buck.The entire GEP platform is Microsoft-native, which theoretically means tighter integration into the Microsoft ecosystem of products like SharePoint, Office,Outlook etc.
SMART by GEP's P2P functionality isn't market leading relative to other P2P specialist software providers. However Smart by GEP is an integrated suite some great capabilities.
Great Product, better team
Kommentarer: The GEP customer success team listens to their customers and creates enhancements based on the feedback of their customers. Software is always improving.
All modules integrated, spend is accurate, reports are easy to generate
navigation within the dashboards, screen loads within the Sourcing and Contracts modules. The areas of information do not all open and when scrolling down the widgits all bounce around which can be frustrating.
Kommentarer: Fantastic
Ease of use, GEP team engagement, speed of tool
Lack of connection between data insights and market intel by category
GEP platform review
Kommentarer: We had a good implementation and were able to launch on time and on budget. As we find issues, GEP has been open to adding new ideas to the roadmap.
Easy to use and quick to learn. One unified platform.
Spend module was not connected to other modules.