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Vad är Castor EDC?

Castor är ett välrenommerat system för elektronisk datainsamling (electronic data capture, EDC). Castors lösningar inom EDC, elektroniskt patientrapporterat resultat (electronic patient-reported outcome, ePRO), elektronisk klinisk resultatbedömning (electronic clinical outcome assessment, eCOA), digital registrering, elektroniskt samtycke, elektronisk källdata och elektronisk prövningspärm (electronic trial master file, eTMF) gör det möjligt för forskare att enkelt samla in och integrera data från vilka källor som helst och decentralisera sina prövningar. Höjdpunkter: Skapa studier på bara några timmar genom att utnyttja förbyggda mallar och integrera EMR/EHR-data, patientdata, klinisk data och enhetsdata. 90 % av studierna i Castor skapas och godkänns i beställargranskningen (user acceptance testing, UAT) på mindre än 4 veckor, vilket är betydligt snabbare än branschnormen.

Vem använder Castor EDC?

Över 40 000 forskare inom medicintekniska produkter, bioteknik, läkemedel, CRO och den akademiska världen i över 90 länder använder Castors lösningar för EDC, ePRO, eCOA, elektroniskt samtycke, elektronisk källdata och eTMF för att påskynda sina studiegenomförande.

Var kan Castor EDC användas?

På plats

Om leverantören

  • Castor
  • Grundades 2011

Support för Castor EDC

  • Telefonsupport

Tillgängliga länder

Albanien, Amerikanska Jungfruöarna, Andorra, Anguilla, Antigua och Barbuda och 104 andra


engelska, nederländska

Prissättning av Castor EDC


Levereras inte av leverantören
  • Ingen gratis provperiod
  • Ingen gratisversion

Castor EDC har inte en gratisversion och erbjuder ingen gratis testversion.

Om leverantören

  • Castor
  • Grundades 2011

Support för Castor EDC

  • Telefonsupport

Tillgängliga länder

Albanien, Amerikanska Jungfruöarna, Andorra, Anguilla, Antigua och Barbuda och 104 andra


engelska, nederländska

Castor EDC videor och bilder

Castor EDC Programvara- 1
Castor EDC Programvara- 2
Castor EDC Programvara- 3
Visa 4 till
Castor EDC-video
Castor EDC Programvara- 1
Castor EDC Programvara- 2
Castor EDC Programvara- 3

Funktioner i Castor EDC

  • 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance
  • Anpassningsbara mallar
  • Arbetsflödeshantering
  • Data Import/Export
  • Distribuerad upptagning
  • Dokumentavbildning
  • Dokumenthantering
  • Dokumentklassificering
  • Elektronisk dataupptagning
  • Fjärrdataupptagning
  • Formulärhantering
  • HIPAA-kompatibel
  • Mobilåtkomst
  • Patienthantering
  • Patientövervakning
  • Rapportering och analys
  • Samla in data och överföring
  • Testdesign
  • Third-Party Integrations
  • Verifieringskedja

Castor EDC Hitta alternativ 2021 - Capterra Sverige

En ledande EDC-plattform för medicinteknik. En komplett verktygslåda för datainsamling för PMCF och kliniska undersökningar.
Studiedesign, elektronisk datainsamling (electronic data capture, EDC), elektroniskt patientrapporterat resultat (electronic patient-reported outcomes, ePRO), interaktivt svarssystem via röst/webb (interactive voice/web response system IxRS) och omfattande datavisualisering – allt på en enda användarvänlig plattform. Här hanteras dina kliniska data. Lär dig mer om OpenClinica
En modern och framtidssäker EDC som gör det möjligt för användare att enkelt och säkert samla in, validera, överföra och analysera kliniska data.
Ge mervärde till data. Research Manager erbjuder en forskningsplattform där processhantering och datainsamling integreras.
TrialKit driver dina kliniska prövningar med teknik som gör att alla användare kan samla in, komma åt och hantera studiedata var de än befinner sig.
Medrio är ett av de ledande företagen inom elektroniska kliniska lösningar som tillhandahåller snabb och lättanvänd elektronisk datainsamling, elektronisk källdata och ePRO.
EDC, IWRS, läkemedelsförsörjning, logistik, ePRO, register, elektroniskt samtycke, eCOA, elektronisk källdata, en molnbaserad, lättanvänd och kraftfullt integrerad plattform.
Samla in uppgifter om potentiella kunder, e-postadresser, filer, e-signaturer, betalningar och mycket mer med anpassade onlineformulär och enkäter som drivs av Jotform.

Recensioner av Castor EDC


Enkel användning
Valuta för pengarna

Recensioner efter företagsstorlek (antal anställda)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1 000
  • >1 001

Hitta recensioner efter betyg

PhD candidate i Nederländerna
Verifierad LinkedIn-användare
Sjukhus och hälsovård, 10 000+ anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Good product, best service and easy to use

4,0 för 5 år sedan


The structure is intuïtive, solid and runs smoothly which is very important for multicenter research. It helped me significantly in my work as project manager of an international multicenter RCT.


There are still options for improvement, such as a reminder for participating researchers of a coming deadline for a study visit (but Castor may have added this feature since I last used it).

Study Coordinator i Tyskland
Forskning, Egenföretagare
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Clear and easy to use

5,0 för 9 månader sedan

Kommentarer: My job is data entry in the context of clinical studies in various indications.
Finding and answering questions is very well structured.
Data entry is simple
I really enjoy working with Castor.


I like the clear layout and the structure. This type of structure makes my work easier


I have not found any disadvantages for my field of activity so far

Verifierad recensent
Verifierad LinkedIn-användare
Hälsa, välbefinnande och fitness, 201‒500 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

Good, with lot of room for improvement

3,0 för 9 månader sedan


The variability of options, as well as the way the system itself will correct the user when mistaken


The rigidity and the lack of “delete options” in certain fields

Clinical Reasearch i USA
Sjukhus och hälsovård, 10 000+ anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

Castor For Data Entry.

5,0 för 9 månader sedan

Kommentarer: It's a great app and easy to use. This is my first job in data entry and Castor has made it easy.


I like how smooth it is to switch to different tabs while working on data collection.


I don't like the way dates are input to the data collection part of Castor.

Physician PhD-student i Nederländerna
Sjukhus och hälsovård, 5 001‒10 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Very helpful system for data collection in clinical trials

5,0 för 9 månader sedan

Kommentarer: Very positive! Would highly recommend this system.


- Clear - Easy to use - Track changes is automatic - Quick response from helpdesk - Easy data transfer


- Sometimes the automatic track changes is a bit too sensitive: when I'm filling in the questionnaire and make 1 mistake, I have to change everything and explain it for every changed field.

Site Director i USA
Forskning, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Great Flow

5,0 för 9 månader sedan

Kommentarer: I have worked in Castor in 10 different studies and never really encountered a problem


Ease of moving from one subject to the next, as well as moving page to page within a subject.


There is nothing about Castor that I do not like.

Clinical Study Manager i Spanien
Medicinska apparater, 1 001‒5 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

Castor, what you need to manage your clinical trials

5,0 för 9 månader sedan

Kommentarer: I really like working with Castor and has made the management of Clinical Trials easier.


I really like about Castor that it has many different features that can be modified depending on the study, in a more specialized version. It is pretty useful also that all forms are exported together as one, required for the analysis.


I am really happy with Castor right now.

Clinical Research Practitioner
Sjukhus och hälsovård, 10 000+ anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Great EDC system

5,0 för 9 månader sedan


I find the CASTOR EDC very simple and easy to use. The updates that have been implemented haven't disrupted any data collection like some other systems do. The randomisation aspect is always quick and responsive, with no delay for the outcome. I find it to be an intuitive system.


As mentioned, the randomisation aspect is quick, however since one of the updates the button has now moved to the left of the screen and it just says "not randomised". Until you select this option is may not be obvious that this is how you randomise patients as it looks like a statement, rather than an option to select. A minor fault in an otherwise great system!

Nurse supervisor i Colombia
Sjukhus och hälsovård, 11‒50 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

A useful tool in research data collection

5,0 för 8 månader sedan

Kommentarer: Very good experience in handling forms and participant data.


Allows you to view participant data in an organized and efficient way, and the forms are easy to fill out and manage.


it needs a more visible alert when a form is empty, because sometimes you do not notice it and you have to check it again point by point.

Verifierad recensent
Verifierad LinkedIn-användare
Forskning, 11‒50 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Great EDC performance!

5,0 för 9 månader sedan


I like how the EDC looks because it is very visual, and it is easy to see what remains to be completed.


Sometimes, the queries are not visible in which CRFs are located.

Chief of Electrophysiology i USA
Sjukhus och hälsovård, 1 001‒5 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Castor EDC for academic research

5,0 för 9 månader sedan


Easy to use, a lot of options for my academic research


Had some few problems with navigating, however, after a few minutes, you get to know and its easy to use

Research Nurse i Storbritannien
Sjukhus och hälsovård, 1 001‒5 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

Castor Review

5,0 för 9 månader sedan


Easy to navigate & very user friendly.


Nothing, I have never had any difficulties when using castor.

PhD i Nederländerna
Forskning, 1 001‒5 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Very usefull for questionnaire's

4,0 för 9 månader sedan

Kommentarer: Very good, only minor things that were unclear for me. The instruction videos are very helpfull as a starter.


It was very helpfull for sendig out a online questionnaire, very easy in use.


Sometimes it's seems like there are multiple places for the introduction text and the only way to find out was to just trail and error.

CEO i Israel
Verifierad LinkedIn-användare
Medicinska apparater, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Best Value and Also Best Product

5,0 för 6 år sedan


This software is intuitive to use. The company provides video training with all the ins and outs, even though you can work with it without the training. In the past, I had issues with obtaining a calculation for a specific formula and the customer support was so helpful, truly. Responses were almost immediate and my issue was resolved. In addition, the use of records and reports are so helpful when building the CRFs. This product includes EVERYTHING you can find in all of the competing products, including the regulatory requirements, but is so much less expensive that it is not even worth checking out the other companies. This is my go to platform for all of my clients' clinical trials.


Watching the videos... I just want to hop in. I am writing this because I have to, honestly, there is nothing I don't like about this software.

Svar för Castor

för 5 år sedan

Hi Sharon, Thank you so much for this super positive review and great to have you as a loyal customer! Our goal is to offer a product that covers all features necessary for any medical device or pharma study at a competitive price - so it's good to hear that it has indeed met your company's needs. Best regards, Elena Kochova, MD Customer Success Manager

Trial Coordinator Wetenschapsbureau i Nederländerna
Sjukhus och hälsovård, 1 001‒5 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

Castor EDC - user friendly, with lots of options and a great helpdesk

4,0 för 6 år sedan

Kommentarer: Before they were using Castor EDC in this hospital, not everyone was working GCP-proof. With Castor EDC, they do. Benefits are that I can re-use some of the previously created eCRFs, which saves a lot of time and promotes standardization of databases.


The software is user friendly, and it is clear that (medical) researchers were involved in the development of the software - which is very convenient. The software offers a lot of options, so users can design their own eCRF and databases. The manual offer a lot of information if you do not know you to create something you have in mind. Moreover, the helpdesk is Always very quick in responding to your questions. What I also appreciate is that Castor EDC is open for any suggestions for improvement.


I do miss some options that I appreciated a lot while working with other similar software (in other hospitals). However, a pro is that I have mentioned those to the helpdesk and either they responded that they will incorporate them in future, or put them on a whish list, or they provided me a kind of work around. Unfortunately, not all the options I appreciated in the other software will be incorporated.

Svar för Castor

för 5 år sedan

Dear Rosaline, Thank you for your review - we are indeed focused on compliance and data standardization, so thank you for pointing that out. We are developing Castor continuously so we hope that the features you are missing will be there soon! In the meantime, please do continue to give us feedback. Best, Elena

PhD Candidate and Lecturer i Nederländerna
Hälsa, välbefinnande och fitness, 1 001‒5 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

A reliable database for all types of studies

4,0 för 5 år sedan

Kommentarer: Dont let the cons bother you too much. Its a future proof software which every researcher should seriously consider using.


+ Ease of use, it didnt take long to master it. + Castor EDC is supported by many companies as a reliable partner. + Castor keeps updating its product and services in order to keep up with developments in research law and good clinical practice. + No more paper! (Or rather.. less paper) + The ability to create case report forms of measurement instruments for future use in other studies. + Large amount of options for all types of studies.


- The way the database is set up enforces the user to decide how he/she wants her data to be exported. - The system is not really designed for a high amount of measurements per step. It leads to some lagg in inserting data and it will nog let you make entire steps missing when applicable -> meaning you have to tag every single item as missing which is not very efficient. - The use of previously used/exported CRFs is still in development. For instance, only entire steps can be exported for future use though often steps contain multiple instruments or measurements.

PhD candidate i Nederländerna
Sjukhus och hälsovård, 10 000+ anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Castor for clinical data management

5,0 för 3 år sedan


The amount of features for the data collection questions, several forms and options can be selected for different types of data. I have used many of the features to capture different data types. Also the options for randomization and surveys are very useful for clinical trials.


For first time users it will be time consuming to make the data collection forms, however once you have the forms you can re-use them for new studies by importing the forms.

MD, research fellow i Nederländerna
Sjukhus och hälsovård, 5 001‒10 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Castor Review

5,0 för 6 år sedan

Kommentarer: Very good! Since we use Castor our data quality has improved tremendously since our research staff (around the world) immediatly got familiar with Castor and found it much easier to use than the previous systems.


How fast we could get started as Castor is very user friendly. We could build some eCRFs ourselves, and the support provided for the parts we could not do ourselves was very fast, adequate and high quality.


Nothing so far. Some minor features that were not available were customly build for us when requested.

Svar för Castor

för 6 år sedan

Hi Anne-Floor, Thank you for your all-star review! It makes us extremely happy to hear that you have found Castor so easy to use and valuable for your study! - Elena

Clinical Research Associate i USA
Verifierad LinkedIn-användare
Bioteknologi, 11‒50 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Affordable EDC with Multifunctional Capabilities

5,0 för 5 år sedan

Kommentarer: We use CastorEDC for clinical trial data management. It's been great working with Castor, and their customer service always responds so promptly and is always super helpful.


Easy data download process, great interface, and very affordable compared to the other EDC systems out there.


There are still some minor bugs that the developers are fixing. Downloading large sets of data can be a bit slow and also delayed.

Svar för Castor

för 5 år sedan

Hi Arick, Thank you very much for your positive review! User friendliness and customer support are our main focus points, so thank you for mentioning them. We wish you many successful studies in the future and please continue reporting bugs that you encounter :-) Best, Elena

Senior Clinical Research Associate i USA
Medicinska apparater, 51‒200 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Review of Castor

4,0 för 5 år sedan


- Ease of Programming. I don't have any programming experience, but I was able to build out the whole EDC database by myself, just watching the tutorial videos and explanations on the Castor website. - Responsive Support. Mainly interacted with Customer Support leads, but as a whole was impressed that the support team took our issues seriously and followed through to conclusion. - Low Price. Honestly, likely too low of a price for the value. Others in the field are something like 10x what you are charging, or far more. - User Interface. I like the changes made recently. Really opens up the screen.


- Loading Time. This may be down to how I organized my Study with lots of repeated measures and a long architecture. But it takes a good 30-60 seconds to load up an individual Subject, and then 10 seconds or so to switch fields sometimes, most notably when I'm trying to dig through Reports. - Single Dependencies. Likely it would overcomplicate the programming, but being able to have more than 1 Dependency for an item would be useful. Only in a small percentage of cases, so the vast majority a single Dependency was sufficient. A like-to-have, not a need-to-have.

Preclinical Project Leader - Data Manager i Belgien
Bioteknologi, 11‒50 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Castor EDC review

5,0 för 4 år sedan


The platform is really user-friendly for both the person who enter data and the data manager (in my case). We can quite easily build a study from the ground up or use some other studies as a template by importing the structure. The Monitoring tab is really helpful for the tracking of queries or warning messages.


It is hard to tell what I do like least about Castor since I never used any other EDC system. I think that some features may be expanded. For instance, we have a cross-over study that will soon beon Live. We choose not to use the built-in randomization module because it was too limited for this specific study (it works really well for other studies). Also, the randomization tab is always available, which can lead to errors because some people randomize the patient before being certain that the patient can be included in the study.

Svar för Castor

för 4 år sedan

Dear Cristophe, Thank you for your 5 star review! User friendliness is of course one of our main priorities! While some randomization features might be limited, we have recently introduced the possibility to use an external randomization list within Castor, so this might be helpful for some future studies! There are also workarounds for limiting the randomization to eligible records. Please reach out to our support team to discuss the options! Best regards, Elena Kochova, MD Sr. Customer Success Manager

PhD i Nederländerna
Sjukhus och hälsovård, 10 000+ anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Satisfied customer

5,0 för 3 år sedan

Kommentarer: 10 out of 10


Very user friendly, very good customers service.


At the time I used Castor, it was not possible to automatically send reminders to participants in case of a questionnaire wasn't filled in.

Datamanager consultant & developer i Nederländerna
Sjukhus och hälsovård, 10 000+ anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Castor EDC: growing and growing internationally

4,0 för 6 år sedan


Easy to use and understand. The manual provided is very extensive and answers practically all your answers. Researchers themselves can create their own database without extensive software knowledge such as Oracle Clinical. The helpdesk is also very swift in replying to one's questions.


The study part of Castor is not yet compatible with the screens of mobile phones and tablets. Hopefully soon. The validations and dependencies could be extended to multiple fields to minimize the use of extra calculation fields.

Monitor i Nederländerna
Forskning, 5 001‒10 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Review Castor from monitor perspective

4,0 för 6 år sedan


Castor is very intuitive and easy to use. Per variable/step/phase I can verify the data. Also making queries is very nice, it has multiple steps in closing a query what makes it very clear. What's also great is that gaining access to a database is very simple and easily arranged.


The audit trail cant be printed out, it can only be viewed online. But most of the times the audit trail is too massive anyway to print.

Physician i Nederländerna
Sjukhus och hälsovård, 1 001‒5 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Great experience using Castor

5,0 för 3 år sedan


I had a great experience using Castor and will continue to use it with great pleasure in the future. Highly recommended to researchers for clinical trials.


I have no cons regarding the software, very userfriendly