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Proficio and Proficio Elements

Proficio and Proficio Elements

Vad är Proficio and Proficio Elements?

Med ett Proficio-museum och ett hanteringssystem för arkivsamlingar kommer dina dagliga uppgifter att förenklas märkbart, oavsett om det handlar om datainmatning, uppdatering, sökning, rapportering eller forskning. Du kan även använda webbmodulen för att dela samlingen online. Proficio and Proficio Elements är mer än bara ett företag inom programvaror för samlingshantering. Det är ett team av professionella musei- och arkivarbetare och förstklassiga programvaruingenjörer. Ditt system kommer att stödjas och uppgraderas. Sömlösa konverteringar och molnvärd erbjuds.

Vem använder Proficio and Proficio Elements?

museer, arkiv, naturvetenskap, historiska platser, historiska samhällen, arkiv, forskningsbibliotek, universitetssamlingar, företagssamlingar, privata samlare, myndigheter.

Proficio and Proficio Elements Programvara- 1
Proficio and Proficio Elements Programvara- 2
Proficio and Proficio Elements Programvara- 3

Är du inte helt övertygad om Proficio and Proficio Elements? Jämför med ett populärt alternativ

Proficio and Proficio Elements

Proficio and Proficio Elements

4,5 (4)
65,00 US$
Gratis version
Gratis provperiod
3,8 (4)
4,5 (4)
4,8 (4)
Enkel användning
Valuta för pengarna
600,00 kr
Gratis version
Gratis provperiod
Inga integrationer hittades
3,7 (3)
4,0 (3)
5,0 (3)
Gröna staplar visar den högst rankade produkten baserat på det genomsnittliga betyget och antalet recensioner.

Andra bra alternativ till Proficio and Proficio Elements

Axiell Collections
Funktioner med bästa bedömningar
Inga funktioner har bedömts av användare av den här produkten.
Art Galleria
Funktioner med bästa bedömningar
Funktioner med bästa bedömningar
Funktioner med bästa bedömningar
För konstgallerier

Recensioner av Proficio and Proficio Elements


Enkel användning
Valuta för pengarna

Recensioner efter företagsstorlek (antal anställda)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1 000
  • >1 001

Hitta recensioner efter betyg

Operations Manager i Kanada
Bibliotek, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Complex software, but great investment

5,0 för 5 år sedan

Kommentarer: We have moved our archives and collections records on to Proficio Management. This has brought a lot of information on artifacts and archival material into one place. It is really easy to attach information to an item, search an item, make reports, and use on different computers.


How thorough it is, the customer support, the manual, accessible by multiple staff or volunteers at the same time with different permissions.


It takes a while to learn all of the details and functions available, and I'm sure we'll be constantly learning, but that is a bonus as well. Paired with lots of tech support and the easily accessibly manual this learning curve is manageable.

Director i USA
Museum och institutioner, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Övervägda alternativ:

Revamping Access

5,0 för 5 år sedan

Kommentarer: As a museum that is starting to grow and expand its programs, collections scope, and outreach, all while trying to come to terms with a very diverse collection, Proficio Elements has been a great tool for us to have at our disposal and has let us be far more flexible in our day-to-day tasks than before. We greatly appreciate being able to go to a shelf or drawer with our computer and work on tasks with ease and find that we can be more productive with this system.


Having everything in the cloud has allowed us to gain easier access to our database when not within the walls of the museum or tethered to the network via a hardwired line. We are still learning some of the features, but the fact that everything works together means the information is easier to access in one place without coming in and out of screen options. We added the website side of things too and that has helped us spread the word about our collection and develop a new audience than we could have had before.


This is not Re:discovery's fault, but the network connection can sometimes be slow, but usually when there are heavy times of use like mid-semester or near finals week. The initial layout was a bit hard to figure out coming from a very different database, but even that was easy to get used to after a while.

Visual Arts Coordinator, Arts & Health at Duke i USA
Sjukhus och hälsovård, 10 000+ anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Offers A Lot of Modules We Didn't Need

4,0 för 4 år sedan

Kommentarer: Customer service was good. Enjoyed the online workshops to learn about new ways to do things. For us, it ultimately came down to inability to offer a public portal in order to share our collection, the restricted number of users (you can add more for additional costs), and the system was ultimately much larger and complicated than we needed.


This system was in place before I started managing this collection. Although we did end up going to a new system, for the past 10 + years, the ReDiscovery software (and later, cloud-based system) was instrumental in managing our collection in the early years.


Not very user friendly. Clunky. Required going through a lot of processes to share information, and to retreive images and documents.

Collections Manager i USA
Museum och institutioner, 501‒1 000 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

Exactly what we needed!

4,0 för 4 år sedan

Kommentarer: I've worked with several other collections softwares in the past. When I was brought on in my current role, my immediate goal was to get a collections management software. I wanted something easy to use, so that I could teach it to others, and something that would allow for a wide array of items. My supervisor and I sat through several demos, and did a test-drive on a few other options. We did not have a large budget, but did have a large need. Ultimately, we chose to go with Re:Discovery Proficio for several reasons- the price was great (the software offered a wider selection than others in its price category), and we were assured that should we need something, we could get help pretty quickly. Two years later, and I can safely say that this was one of my better decisions. Anytime I need anything, a rep is quick to answer. There are monthly trainings/refreshers, and videos of past sessions are available online. I love that I can fully catalog an item in a short period of time, and I'm able to use the keyboard almost entirely (rather than having to repeatedly click on different windows- small, but it makes it easier to use for me, making my workflow more efficient). I've had to reach out to ask about a particular category for an item, and it was added, allowing us to catalog different types of items in the archives. The flexibility is great!


Ease of use, easy to learn, and the customer service is so great.


The two logins needed- one for the software itself, and the second, individual login (although I completely understand the security concern behind that).