I 18 år har vi hjälpt företag
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Vad är QuickBooks Online?

QuickBooks Online är ett redovisningsprogram och en app som kan användas för att administrera småföretag var som helst, när som helst. QuickBooks används av över sju miljoner kunder världen över och erbjuder smarta och lättanvända verktyg för företag. QuickBooks förenklar fakturahanteringen genom att erbjuda möjligheten att automatisera faktureringen för återkommande kunder och tjänster. QuickBooks ser till att du får betalt i tid med hjälp av automatiska betalningspåminnelser och flexibla faktureringsscheman. Köp nu och spara 50 % på de första 3 månaderna eller på det första året! Erbjudande med begränsad giltighetstid, endast med QuickBooks.

Vem använder QuickBooks Online?

Den främsta programvaran för redovisning och ekonomi för småföretag på global nivå.

Var kan QuickBooks Online användas?

På plats

Om leverantören

  • Intuit
  • Belägen i Sacramento, USA
  • Grundades 1983

Support för QuickBooks Online

  • Telefonsupport
  • 24/7 (Live-support)
  • Chatt

Tillgängliga länder

Afghanistan, Albanien, Algeriet, Amerikanska Jungfruöarna, Amerikanska Samoa och 224 andra


arabiska, engelska, europeisk portugisiska, italienska, japanska och 6 andra

Prissättning av QuickBooks Online


35,00 US$/månad
  • Erbjuder en gratis provperiod
  • Ingen gratisversion

QuickBooks Online har ingen gratisversion men erbjuder en gratis testversion. QuickBooks Onlinebetald version börjar på 35,00 US$/månad.

få en gratis provperiod

Om leverantören

  • Intuit
  • Belägen i Sacramento, USA
  • Grundades 1983

Support för QuickBooks Online

  • Telefonsupport
  • 24/7 (Live-support)
  • Chatt

Tillgängliga länder

Afghanistan, Albanien, Algeriet, Amerikanska Jungfruöarna, Amerikanska Samoa och 224 andra


arabiska, engelska, europeisk portugisiska, italienska, japanska och 6 andra

QuickBooks Online videor och bilder

QuickBooks Online Programvara- 1
QuickBooks Online Programvara- 2
QuickBooks Online Programvara- 3
QuickBooks Online Programvara- 4
QuickBooks Online Programvara- 5
Visa 6 till
QuickBooks Online-video
QuickBooks Online Programvara- 1
QuickBooks Online Programvara- 2
QuickBooks Online Programvara- 3
QuickBooks Online Programvara- 4
QuickBooks Online Programvara- 5

Funktioner i QuickBooks Online

  • ACH betalningshantering
  • Aktivitetspanel
  • Anpassningsbar branding
  • Anpassningsbara fakturor
  • Anpassningsbara fält
  • Asset Lifecycle Management
  • Avgiftsberäkning och bokföring
  • Bankavstämning
  • Bearbetning av fakturor
  • Betalbearbetning
  • Beviljande av bidrag
  • Bokföring
  • Budget / Prognoser
  • Citat / uppskattningar
  • Core Accounting
  • Cross Ledger-bokföring
  • Data Import/Export
  • Datavisualisering
  • Direkt insättning
  • Donationshantering
  • Donationsspårning
  • Dubblett betalningsvarning
  • Efterlevnadskontroll
  • Elektronisk överföring av medel
  • Elektroniska betalningar
  • Ersättningshantering
  • Ersättningsledning
  • Fakturahistorik
  • Fakturering
  • Finanshantering
  • Finansiell analys
  • Finansiell rapportering
  • Finansiell stödhantering
  • Flera avdelningar / projekt
  • Flera valutor
  • Fondredovisning
  • For Small Businesses
  • För AEC-industrin
  • För fastigheter
  • För ideella organisationer
  • Försäljarstyrelse
  • Förtroendeadministration
  • Förvaltning av anläggningstillgångar
  • Förvaltningsskatter
  • Givarhantering
  • Hantering av fakturor
  • Hantering av kontanter
  • Huvudbok
  • Inkomst & balans-blad
  • Inköpsorderhantering
  • Intäktsredovisning
  • Jobbkostnad
  • Kategorisering/gruppering
  • Kommissionens ledning
  • Konsolidering / Roll-Up
  • Kontaktdatabas
  • Kostnadsberäkning
  • Kostnadshantering
  • Kostnadsspårning
  • Kundfordringar
  • Kundreskontra
  • Kunduttalanden
  • Kvittanshantering
  • Kvittouppladdning i mobilen
  • Lagerhantering
  • Leverantörsskulder
  • Lägesrapporter
  • Lönerapportering
  • Lönhantering
  • Mervärdesskatt (moms)
  • Mobila betalningar
  • Online betalning
  • Online fakturering
  • PCI-efterlevnad
  • Payment Collection
  • Projektfakturering
  • Projektredovisning
  • Purchase Order Reconciliation
  • Rapportering och analys
  • Rapportering och statistik
  • Real-Time Data
  • Resultat- / förlustredovisning
  • Samling av brevhantering
  • Självbetjäningsportal
  • Skapande av faktura
  • Skattehantering
  • Skatteregistrering
  • Skatteöverensstämmelse
  • Skattkalkylator
  • Spårning av fakturerbara artiklar
  • Strategisk planering
  • Third-Party Integrations
  • Tid och kostnadsspårning
  • Tidsspårning
  • Tillgångsredovisning
  • Transaktionsspårning
  • Tryckning av checkar
  • Undantagshantering
  • Utskrivning av checkar
  • Verifieringskedja
  • Versionskontroll
  • Vinsthantering
  • W-2-beredning
  • Återkommande / prenumerationsfakturering
  • Återkommande fakturering
  • Återkommande fakturering för flera perioder

QuickBooks Online Hitta alternativ 2021 - Capterra Sverige

En enkel fakturerings- och redovisningslösning från 7,50 USD/månad (de första tre månaderna). Bli en av de 24 miljoner människor som redan har använt FreshBooks.
Enkel, lättanvänd redovisningsprogramvara som hjälper dig att hantera din företagsekonomi på ett smart sätt! Lär dig mer om Zoho Books
Automatisera rese- och affärskostnadsrapportering, effektivisera godkännanden, öka insynen i utgifterna och få kontroll. Lär dig mer om Zoho Expense
Stripe gör det enkelt för ditt företag att börja samla kreditkort på internet direkt. Inget handlarkonto eller gateway behövs.
En av de ledande redovisningsprogramvarorna för småföretag. Omedelbar åtkomst till kund-, leverantörs- och medarbetarinformation.
NetSuite erbjuder, som världsledande molnbaserad ERP, den insyn och kontroll som krävs för att fatta smarta beslut, snabbt och tryggt. Lär dig mer om NetSuite
Skapa, hantera och redigera återkommande fakturor med Subscription-appen.

Recensioner av QuickBooks Online


Enkel användning
Valuta för pengarna

Recensioner efter företagsstorlek (antal anställda)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1 000
  • >1 001

Hitta recensioner efter betyg

President i USA
Verifierad LinkedIn-användare
Kemikalier, 11‒50 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

Great On-Line Software - Easy to use

5,0 för 2 månader sedan Nytt

Kommentarer: Been using it for about 10 years and also for payroll and we are very happy with it. I like how it pays all your taxes on time for you.


Easy to use and if you need help they call you back very fast and fix the problem


Is a little pricy but in the big picture it's well worth it. Only other thing it's always updated with the newer software and you get surprised that all of a sudden things are different.

Carpet Cleaner i USA
Kundservice, Egenföretagare
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Quickbooks Really Has It All

5,0 för 4 veckor sedan Nytt

Kommentarer: Everything in one place, financially feel secure with seamless invoicing and client records.


I like having my invoices all in one place. I do not utilize all of the add-ons, however, it seems that Quickbooks has everything a small business would need to be successful. Payroll, mileage, Payment acceptance, and end of year tax prep is all available. The customer service is always helpful!


I didn't like the update of the online portal, but i am getting used to the new layout.

Bokföring, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Never Again

1,0 för 2 månader sedan Nytt

Kommentarer: It's exhausting, the AI features are constantly wrong. Income is easily duplicated. Expenses end up magically deleted.


It's well known, complex to use correctly so it makes it easy to get clients.


Pretty much everything. It got to point I was tired of fighting with the software that I moved all clients off of it.

Bokföring, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Don't be lured from QB Desktop to Online. You won't like it.

1,0 för 3 månader sedan

Kommentarer: Poorly designed program. There are much better options out there if Intuit is going to force people off Desktop with their ridiculous price increases.


Cloud based that I could access from anywhere


Just about everything else. It's menus are poorly designed, and even accounting professionals have difficulty figuring out how to enter various transactions. Something as simple as "Make deposit" or "Enter credit card transaction" requires digging. The reports are terrible. The initial Chart of Accounts that new clients are set up with is horrendous. Most small businesses don't need half the accounts they start you out with, and there is no way to Delete after they are set up. When you click on the dropdown menu to find the right account when entering a transaction, there is no rhyme nor reason to the order they show up in, unlike Desktop where the Assets were on top, then Liabilities, Equity, Income & Expense all sorted alphabetically. The column widths are not set correctly by default - some are way wider than they need to be, others like the Memo column are chopped off so you can't see half of what was entered there. You can then mess around with it to try and resize everything, but when you print it doesn't looks like the screen and is still not legible. Most CPA"s I know have just given up and instead export the report to Excel and them modify it there (big time waster). In addition, Intuit has ads embedded everywhere in their software to try and promote all their other products and services. They also try to lure clients over from Desktop with cheap initial pricing. We've all seen what they did with the Desktop pricing, which has gone up over 800% in 4 years. Never have I seen a company that had accumulated 25+ years of Goodwill with happy customers destroy their relationship with them in such a short period of time.

Owner i Kanada
Bokföring, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

must-have software

4,0 för 2 månader sedan Nytt

Kommentarer: improved overall workflows with client files


ability to work remotely saves time and sanity


when software developers make changes without consulting users

Admin i Argentina
Mat och dryck, 11‒50 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Overall,does what it should do...

4,0 för 4 veckor sedan Nytt


Easy to use from anywhere you need to login with tons of features


There are some regular bugs happening and the snap receipt option is lacking in terms of user management and recognition algorithms. In addition their processing fee is high for businesses with large amounts of transactions

Övervägda alternativ: FreshBooks

Anledningar att byta till QuickBooks Online: Similar features with a bit more years of experience behind their product (leading to more app integrations, slightly less bugs etc)

Business Manager i USA
Utbildningsförvaltning, 51‒200 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

Excellent Product

5,0 förra månaden Nytt

Kommentarer: Overall, switching from the desktop version to the online version has been great. I am able to do work on stuff from here in our office and our remote accountant is able to complete tasks from wherever he is. It has been a significant improvement for us.


What I like most about QuickBooks Online is the ease of access from wherever I need to access it as well as all approved users being able to access online rather than having to be in our office on our server.


What I like least about QuickBooks Online was simply having to learn how to use if after switching over from an outdated desktop version. We did not keep up with updates so it was very much like learning an entirely new system for me.

Office Manager i USA
Hälsa, välbefinnande och fitness, 11‒50 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Better than before, but still room to improve

4,0 för 2 månader sedan

Kommentarer: QBO is improving but still not up to the standard of the desktop version.


The ability to access my books from anywhere.


Many desktop features are not available.

CEO i Kanada
Marknadsföring och reklam, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Good but expensive for what it is

4,0 för 2 månader sedan Nytt

Kommentarer: I liked QuickBooks but ultimately decided to use a less expensive software because they had the same features.


It was super easy to use and set up to get my business off the ground.


It was more expensive compared to other software that does the same thing.

Övervägda alternativ: Stripe

Anledningar att byta till QuickBooks Online: I originally chose it because it was recommended to me but have since moved on from it.

Bokföring, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

A vital tool for those in the accounting industry

4,0 för 2 månader sedan Nytt

Kommentarer: A great way to work remotely and handle clients books.


Easy to use, easily accessible and enjoyable to watch your business grow.


The price structure can get out of hand. And if you are not on top of your work, it can get overwhelming.

Övervägda alternativ: FreshBooks

Anledningar att byta till QuickBooks Online: More widespreed use. Customers trust the brand.

Owner i Kanada
Bokföring, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

QBO is a game changer!

5,0 för 4 månader sedan

Kommentarer: Overall, QuickBooks Online has been a game changer. It takes so much of the stress out of bookkeeping. Clients love how it frees up their time, automates processes, and simplifies tax prep. It’s easy to use once you’re up and running, and the ability to see exactly where your money is going with clear reports makes managing a business way less overwhelming. For me, it’s an essential tool I recommend to almost everyone​​​.


The automation is a lifesaver. It pulls in bank transactions automatically, which means no more manual data entry. The ability to attach receipts directly to expenses is a huge bonus too, especially when it’s time for taxes. Everything’s in one place, and the reports are quick to run, giving a clear snapshot of your business whenever you need it.


The learning curve can be a bit steep at first, especially if you’re moving from Excel or another system. Some clients have felt a little overwhelmed getting everything set up, but once you’re past that, it’s really smooth. Also, the pricing can feel high for small businesses just starting out, especially if you add on extra features like payroll.

Operations Manager i USA
Konstruktion, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Not in like with QuickBooks

3,0 för 4 månader sedan

Kommentarer: Unfortunately my customer service experience with them has been atrocious. Even their “trained” customer service representatives don’t know what they are doing.


Invoicing is very easy and it’s great to be able to import account transactions into QuickBooks online.


Complicated and convoluted steps to get from point A to point B. Horrible customer service. No follow up on customer service calls.

Manager i Storbritannien
Maskin- eller industriteknik, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

A true gamechanger for our small business

5,0 för 5 månader sedan

Kommentarer: Absolute time save and so easy to use. Our company used to operate Sage instead but when our admin lady left it fell to my partner and I (managers and also engineers on the shopfloor) to deal with the day to day so we decided to switch to Quickbooks. It has saved us so much time, streamlined all out processes and made everything so much more straight forward that we didn't even need to even replace the admin lady. Also value for money vs what we were pating for with Sage is just night and day. Finally, the vast array of softwares which integrate with Quickbooks is brilliant. The main one we use is Pleo for our petty cash and it downloads all transactions seemlessly into Quickbooks. No hassle!


So easy to manage almost everry part of our business. Makes VAT returns a doddle and all banking transactions are imported automatically


Payroll said of things isn't the best for us so we've stuck with Moneysoft for now

Manager i Kanada
Transport / lastbil / järnväg, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Helps keep my life organized

5,0 för 4 månader sedan

Kommentarer: QuickBooks Online has helped me manage all my accounts for many years now. Helps me track all of my expenses. My favorite part is the free invoicing, I can now save money and not have to pay for invoices. They have everything to keep you organized at a great price.


Pros: Easy to use, affordable, easy to manage and track all of my accounts, business and personal. You can even make invoices to give to your clients.


Cons: The only thing that I found confusing at first was the layout because it was a lot different then the old software I was using. Like anything it just takes a bit of getting use to.

Övervägda alternativ: NetSuite

Anledningar att byta till QuickBooks Online: It didn't offer as many features. Wasn't as easy to use.

Production Manager i Kanada
Sjukhus och hälsovård, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Convenient and User-Friendly

5,0 för 6 månader sedan

Kommentarer: Overall, my experience with QuickBooks Online has been very positive. It’s a powerful tool that balances ease of use with robust functionality. The accessibility and integrations have significantly improved my ability to manage finances efficiently. While there are occasional challenges in navigating the reporting features, they are outweighed by the benefits the software provides. Over time, as you get used to its layout and features, it becomes an indispensable tool for financial management.


What I like most about QuickBooks Online is its ease of use, making it accessible even for those who aren’t accounting experts. The fact that I can access it from anywhere is incredibly convenient, especially when I need to manage finances on the go. The integrations with other tools and services are also a huge plus, streamlining many aspects of my business operations.


The downside is that sometimes it can be tricky to find the right report or to filter out the exact information I need. However, this does tend to improve as you become more familiar with the software. It’s a minor learning curve, but one worth noting.

Övervägda alternativ: FreshBooks

Anledningar att välja QuickBooks Online: Having remote access was crucial for us and the user interface was much friendlier.

Anledningar att byta till QuickBooks Online: Quickbooks seemed like a much bigger platform with more support and integrations.

Owner i USA
Kundservice, Egenföretagare
Har använt programvaran för: 1 + år
Recensentens källa

I wish this wasn’t the default software

3,0 för 5 månader sedan

Kommentarer: It is really buggy. It skipped some of my captures from my bank accounts and it double counted some of what I was capturing without it actually being double entry. It threw off my numbers by forcing me to integrate with PayPal.


I like that it integrates with a lot of platforms.


It is a bloated software that is overly complicated and yet is so crucial for so many small business owners to use. It’s a system that makes it requirement practically that a small business owner has to hire a expert to set it up and manage it. This is not feasible nor is it new small business owner friendly.

Owner i USA
Konstruktion, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Cookie cutter as it gets.

2,0 för 4 månader sedan

Kommentarer: You can tell that QuickBooks is starting to integrate directly with other services which has its pros and cons. The fact that it’s prettty specific on certain integrations makes it seem more like a limiting monopoly than a truly large business asset you can’t live without. It’s pretty telling when any good accountant dreads having to work within QuickBooks to do any accounting. It’s more of a hub for people that need basic, limiting accounting, that are willing to integrate other apps that have partnered or are owned by QuickBooks. The cost you pay you would think their would be more of a CRM integration with QuickBooks or a sister product for overall business management and quoting/invoicing. However, we’re planning to totally move away because the cost has gotten insane.


The ease of access, desktop to mobile. The loan options they have were pretty cool, and were better deals than other banks.


Where do I start? Everything is extremely limiting and cookie cutter. It’s very expensive for not having any sort of customization of invoices or estimates. The fact you can hardly get ahold of a live person that isn’t just a call center tech is aggravating. QuickBooks needs to understand that a business presentation to a client can make or break jobs, yet it gives very limiting options to how you can present.

Principal i USA
Arkitektur och planering, Egenföretagare
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

Not as intuitive or user friendly as I'd hoped

3,0 för 4 månader sedan

Kommentarer: If I had a chance to consider other accounting options for my business, I would absolutely look into them. I've found Quickbooks to be marketed as an easy to use tool for small business, but the reality there's way more technical knowledge that isn't particularly clear how to use, and I would imagine most people will run into things they aren't sure how to solve, and thus Quickbooks is trying to make more money on the back end by charging for help to use their tool.


I like that in theory, it's set up for relatively easy access as a small business with an affordable price for the basic package, I like the interface, but it is quite a bit more complex than I'd first thought.


Quickbooks has so many things built-in that aren't clear how to use for a small business owner without lots of experience with the platform or accounting. There are features that are excluded in the basic package which seem like unreasonable limitations. Making revisions within Quickbooks to invoices/payments in the past without having it impact your account reconciliation is not clear and can be quite frustrating. The fact that Quickbooks charges for assistance for things like that is silly - the product isn't intuitive or clear enough to not provide free customer support. The reality is that it's not user friendly enough to stumble through without help, so I've had to work with my CPA/business consultant to solve certain issues which is equally frustrating.

Treasurer i USA
Bokföring, Egenföretagare
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

QuickBooks Online - A Product Not Maintained

2,0 för 4 månader sedan

Kommentarer: In ten years with QuickBooks Online, I never had to contact their Online Support. After seeing issues with the way QuickBooks Online was performing their accounting functions, I was informed there were over 10,000 errors in the database. Maintenance of the online database in the cloud is QuickBooks responsibility, not mine. After they requested I pay for fixing of their online database, I knew I was done with this company.


QuickBooks Online has numerous positive features and ton of automation. My HOA used QuickBooks Online for ten years.


QuickBooks Technical Department was not able to maintain their Online Cloud Database. After seeing numerous errors in the way QuickBooks Online was performing accounting, I contacted QuickBooks Online Technical Support. They informed me their was over 10,000 errors in the database they were tasked with maintaining. Then they insisted I pay between $850 to $1,350 to fix the database they were suppose to maintain on an ongoing basis. I informed them I needed to be with a more reliable & responsible company, so I cancelled after 10 years of use and moved to another online accounting product.

Financial Manager i Kanada
Forskning, 11‒50 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Very strong "good" position

4,0 för 3 månader sedan

Kommentarer: Starting from 2022 as a second user in the company I now can be the only one user since I have access to almost everything that I need for keeping small company on waves. Almost all the question about how to find user-friendly options can be found just online or from QuickBooks support forum.


Having different type of statements and reports, especially the customized one, that can be created via QB.


The process of inactivation after 15-30 minutes without activity.

Admin i USA
Bokföring, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Quickbooks Online is your one stop shop!

5,0 för 5 månader sedan

Kommentarer: I enjoy using Quickbooks. We have not tried another book keeping software so I am not sure if others are better, but we don't have any plans on changing anytime soon.


Quickbooks Online is your one stop shop for business accounting and operations. We have used quickbooks since 2014 for our businesses. It has amazing features to help automate the process such as uploading bank statements so you don't have to make manual entries


I dislike the fact that If i am invoicing several businesses at once, I have to individually do the invoices. I wish there was a screen that I can make ONE INVOICE and apply it to several different companies and send. (In our business, it is common that we provide a same cost service to multiple companies at a time). This would help effiency for us.

Realtor i USA
Fastighet, 11‒50 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Quickbooks is automated and easy

4,0 för 5 månader sedan

Kommentarer: I really have enjoyed using Quickbooks Online to do our accounting tasks in a simplified manner, during our time using it and as a real estate organization, it's difficult to keep track of every expense, but with Quickbooks it has been easy to keep an eye on everything and have good analytics and reports about our performance and our income. The tools offered by Quickbooks are so intuitive and allows us to grow financially thanks to its automated features that cut a lot of the time and energy that we can spend finding more clients and engaging with them.


Quickbooks Online is an easy-to-use platform that changes the way our finances are done. I specially like the way everything is simplified from the desktop version (which if you have already used, this one will be very easy to get used to), and having one single place to organize all of our bills and pay them right on the website is so beneficial to us because we don't have to go through other applications to do so, just by allowing Quickbooks to make this process for us we already save so much time. Another favorite feature of mine is the option to manage all our taxes inside the platform and we have been able to contact their customer support when we have any question about our taxes, which is amazing. Additionally, I love that it has so many integrations with different apps that just make everything more convenient to use because it allows us to complete our tasks efficiently and the synchronization of data goes smoothly.


I wish it was more cost efficient, despite all the amazing features that it includes in its variety of plans, the price is still quite high and not customizable to what we actually need, I wish they added more customization features to the pricing plans so that it can be adjusted accordinly to our budget. Aside from that, sometimes there are issues loading the data when you first open the platform, this has happened quite often and it is something that bothers me but it's still a great program.

Owner i Kanada
Marknadsföring och reklam, 2‒10 anställda
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

Deceptive Practices and Incompetent Support from QuickBooks

1,0 för 7 månader sedan

Kommentarer: Overall a horrible experience with QuickBooks and their incompetent support representatives.


I liked the reports and reporting features.


My experience with QuickBooks has been nothing short of a nightmare. I encountered an issue with the payroll setup due to an error on QuickBooks' side, and their support team advised me to cancel the setup. I was explicitly assured by their support representative that canceling the process would not result in any additional credit checks. However, to my shock and dismay, I discovered multiple hard credit checks on my credit report after following their advice. When I confronted QuickBooks support about this, they informed me that each direct deposit application triggers a credit check and that these checks are irreversible. This is a complete contradiction to the information I was initially given, where I was assured there would be no further checks. Furthermore, I was informed that our payroll threshold should have exempted us from any credit checks in the first place. The support representatives have proven to be utterly incompetent, providing misleading and incorrect information. Their failure to resolve this issue or even acknowledge their mistake is deeply concerning. It's clear that QuickBooks has no regard for the impact their actions have on their customers' credit ratings and overall financial health. Despite reaching out multiple times, their response has been dismissive and unhelpful. They merely reiterated their policies without taking any responsibility for the misinformation provided by their own support team. This lack of accountability and transparency is unacceptable for a company handling sensitive financial data. I strongly advise anyone considering QuickBooks to think twice. Their deceptive practices and inadequate support have caused significant damage to my credit score, and their refusal to rectify the situation speaks volumes about their customer service standards. If QuickBooks does not take immediate and appropriate action to resolve this matter, I will escalate this issue to the credit bureaus, the Better Business Bureau, and any other relevant authorities to ensure they are held accountable for their actions. Save yourself the trouble and look for a more reliable and customer-focused alternative to QuickBooks. This experience has been a clear indicator of their lack of professionalism and respect for their customers.

owner i USA
Design, Egenföretagare
Har använt programvaran för: 6-12 månader
Recensentens källa

I have a great experience with QuickBooks

5,0 för 5 månader sedan

Kommentarer: I’ve been using QuickBooks Online for my small business, and overall, it’s been a great experience. The software simplifies complex accounting tasks like invoicing, tracking expenses, and running payroll. I really appreciate how it automates many processes, saving me a lot of time. One of the features I like most is the cloud-based access—I can manage my finances from anywhere, which is a huge plus, especially when traveling or working remotely. The integration with other tools, like PayPal, has been seamless, which makes managing transactions easier. However, there is a bit of a learning curve, especially when it comes to navigating the more advanced features. It took me a while to fully utilize all the reports and data management options. That said, the customer support has been responsive and their help resources, like tutorials, are pretty helpful. The pricing is decent for what you get, but I find it can get expensive as you add users or features, such as payroll or inventory management.


1.Easy invoicing and expense tracking 2.Cloud-based access for remote work 3.Integration with popular platforms like PayPal 4.Responsive customer support


1.Steeper learning curve for advanced features 2.Can become pricey with add-ons

Victor James
CEO i Australien
Marknadsföring och reklam, Egenföretagare
Har använt programvaran för: 2 + år
Recensentens källa

CEO QuickBooks Online POV Based on 5+ Years Experience

5,0 för 6 månader sedan


QuickBooks Online has all the features that enables me to automate repetitive accounting tasks such as accounts payable, general ledger, payments matching and accounts receivable.


QuickBooks Online accomplish all my desires without facing challenges as a daily user.