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Mercer Mettl Coding Assessments
Vad är Mercer Mettl Coding Assessments?
Mettl Assessment Battery är en uppsättning allsidiga verktyg för talangbedömning som kan användas för holistisk utvärdering av kandidaters personlighet (ljusa egenskaper, mörka egenskaper, motivation och värderingar), kognitiva förmågor, jobbspecifika tekniska färdigheter och andra relaterade kompetenser. Dessa verktyg är mycket anpassningsbara enligt arbetsrollens behov så att man kan hitta rätt kandidat för alla arbetsroller.
Vem använder Mercer Mettl Coding Assessments?
Mettl Assessment Battery vänder sig till alla företag som letar efter talangförvärv, utbildar och utvecklar sina anställda och skapar en stark ledarskapspipeline för framtiden Utvärdering Testning före anställning
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Mercer Mettl Coding Assessments
Recensioner av Mercer Mettl Coding Assessments
Saves both time and money!
The best tool for those who want to save their time and money. Simply choose a format, design, layout, and questions from the test library and you are all set to go! Helps in recruiting highly-skilled, productive, efficient and knowledgeable employees in less time. No need to invest in other recruitment resources hence it saves your money.
Question library can be improved by adding appropriate questions for each domain.
Outstanding assessment tool ever exists
1. Excellent design and info panel 2. Easy to share with external candidates 3. Super protected and apt for usage
1. Email goes to spam box frequently 2. A bit expensive
Svar för Mettl
för 4 månader sedan
Thank you for your trust and feedback. We're delighted to hear that you're having a great experience with Mercer | Mettl and appreciate your taking the time to leave a review. We are continuously working to improve our product and services, and will use this as an opportunity to improve our services in the future.
worst experience
It was a horrible experience. if there was an option of negative marking ; I would give negative marking instead of zero.
Your so called Business Development people have no sense to talk to clients. It seems as if we are the one serving you .
NOTHING AT ALL!!!!! there were various glitches in the software and almost 50 percent of my team faced it
i did not like any thing and my team also complained about various glitches
Proven technology still a long way to complete functionalities
Kommentarer: We were trying to solve bulk hiring but somehow the test felt too cumbersome and lengthy , Also improvement on the dashboard regarding the account balance was never clear , could have been better and provided a real time number as and when a test has been attempted.
Real time updation of applicants and viewing their test reports and also their recorded test attempt. The
Verification of the candidates can be done in a better way as OTP is generated through the number provided by the candidate however cannot be verified whether the number is authentic or not , you can include verification through LinkedIn or any social media profiles for better background check. Once the test was abruptly submitted, candidates could not reattempt and cost was incurred on the client side. This can be done in a better way without occurrence of additional cost for reattempts
It significantly improves our quality of hiring
Kommentarer: Mettl has a very good sales and technical team they are available almost 24/7
Cost Effective assessment salutation, Excellent customer experience, high flexibility for candidates, easy to understand results, bilingual ( English & Arabic tests)
- If there is a bulk assessment like our situation 1000 of tests no Excel report showing details of each candidate in on sheet ( Full Name, email address, score, results ( Recommended, Moderately Recommended, Cautiously Recommended & Not Recommended) - No local or global benchmark (AVG Score) for each assessment. - No enough reports