I 17 år har vi hjälpt företag
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Vad är RemOnline?
Se till att din bilverkstad fungerar smidigt genom att samla all verksamhet på ett och samma lättåtkomliga ställe. Hantera allt från kostnadsförslag till jobb utan ansträngning. Schemalägg teknikernas tid för att maximera produktiviteten. Se till att verktyg och arbetsplatser är tillgängliga för att fördela arbetet jämnt. Skapa smidigt fakturor direkt från dina arbetsorder. Påskynda bearbetningen av varje jobb genom att slå ihop olika serviceuppgifter och detektera fordonets identifieringsnummer via foto. Håll koll på reservdelar mellan olika anläggningar. Bearbeta reparationer direkt i mobilen.
Vem använder RemOnline?
RemOnline är skräddarsytt för många olika tjänsteföretag och små detaljhandlare.
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Recensioner av RemOnline
Recensioner efter företagsstorlek (antal anställda)
- <50
- 51-200
- 201-1 000
- >1 001
Hitta recensioner efter betyg
It is really good!
Mobile app, custom labor names and details
Some features are available in quite expensive plans
Good for organising your work load
Best thing is the simple way my customers get notifications. The app update is very good too
Having to manually pay monthly. Can add a direct debit
Perfect CRM for bike service
Kommentarer: I tried different plans of RemOnline, there are a lot of possibilities for small and big companies. Now I choose the right plan and have all necessary information about the orders in one place.
I used RemOnline for about 1 year for my bike service. Also I used it for my shop and rent of the bikes. It has all necessary for my daily work. Most of all I like templates for my rent and I send directly all work list to my clients.
Sometimes it's too slow and need time to wait to download some photos or documents.
An excellent all in one package
Kommentarer: From our fist day we've had nothing but good experiences. The sales manager [sensitive content hidden] has been simply amazing & is a credit to RemOnline. Her product knowledge is staggering! Any questions I had (and believe me I had lots) she answered them, any template changes she help us. When we requested a google meet it was never a problem - she was always happy to help in any way she could. [sensitive content hidden] customer service is excellent & was a contributing factor to us as business purchasing this software!
The reason I like RemOnline is that is does it all, it's easy to use & you have the ability to edit multiple sections to suit your own business. Nothing is hard work.
I have nothing negative to say, the software is excellent!
Best CRM for small bussines
Fast support and very easy use on the computer and mobile.
all is the best. I am owner in the small bussines in the gsm reapir. The best crm!